Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Obama thinks Iran is having a healthy debate. Let's ask Neda how that's working for her.

Just this morning in his press conference, President Obama referred to the upcoming energy legislation that the "polluters" will pay for. NO THEY WON'T. This is "cap and trade" and you will pay for it when your energy bills escalate to all time highs.

Email received:

I suggest you copy this and snail mail it to your representative, senator, and each person on the Senate Finance committee. Those stamps will be a lot cheaper than what Washington is doing to us.

Email received:

The Senate Finance committee is in charge of the "comprehensive health care reform" program. Senator Kennedy, ill with a brain tumor is Chairman (he has been in the senate for FORTY FIVE years). Christopher Dodd, whose moral compass was lost sometime in the 1970's is Chairing the Committee while Kennedy is dying. Please write or call these people and tell them to STOP, think and listen. Thanks.

Dear Sirs:

During the Administration of Lyndon Baines Johnson, the United States government created the Great Society, a “progressive” socialist set of programs that wrecked the black middle class and brought us to the brink of financial disaster. What in God’s name do you all think you are doing? What program has the federal government ever funded and engineered that is a rousing success? The attempt to try another Kennedy-esque great social engineering is useless and will help to destroy our economy and culture.

You actually do have a choice, and you all could make the right one, and that is to QUIT spending our money, QUIT acting like we the people do not exist, QUIT with overbearing federal government programming. Please stop, think, listen and start to dismantle, not enhance losing social programs.

I doubt that one of you are listening, but I feel better this morning having sent this email. I am now going to email 50 people I know, who will email fifty people they know (you get my drift), and oppose each one of you with money and time in the next election if you continue down this path.

Thank you.

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