*****I've worked very hard the past week or so to get the bulk of the painting of my house finished before the Triduum. All that remains is painting the kitchen cabinets and replacing of some pictures and mirrors (pictures and mirror re-hung - painting will have to wait until after Easter)
*****Yesterday evening, after painting all day, I managed to zip outside with my new 8 foot ladder and my long handled pruning saw and clipper (snagged for $5.00 at a garage sale - yes Cathy, I'm bragging), and prune several trees. I was still out there when the huge and beautiful moon rose behind the clouds.
*****My reward? Crawling out of bed this morning feeling like the Irish cloggers had done their most exuberant number on my body.
*****However, the rest of my house suffers the after effects of all this work. Today I will do some cleaning (squeezed in between my husband's students coming for lessons), clear out the in-box in my office and prepare myself for Mass this evening.
*****It is time to heed the words of C.S. Lewis found in "Letters to an American Lady."
I've posted this before but good things need repeating...
*****Don't be too easily convinced that God really wants you to do all sorts of work you needn't do. Each must do his duty "in that state of life to which God has called him. Remember that a belief in the virtues of doing for doing's sake is characteristically feminine, characteristically American, and characteristically modern: so that three veils may divide you from the correct view! There can be intemperance in work just as in drink. What feels like zeal may be only fidgets or even the flattering of one's self importance ...By doing what "one's station and its duties" does not demand, one can make oneself less fit for the duties it does demand and so commit some injustice. Just you give Mary a little chance as well as Martha."
Two posts by Father Longenecker that are "must reads"...
"On These Two Things"
******"One of the problems in the church is between two groups of people: the God lovers and the people lovers. The God lovers focus on liturgy, spirituality, prayer, adoration, consecrated life, vocation, religion and worship. The people lovers focus on peace and justice, the church as the pilgrim people of God, the fellowship of the brothers and sisters, the ministry of the sacraments to one another." read more
"Standing on My Head"
******"Have you ever thought how much happier everyone would be if they didn't expect to be happy? If you change your expectations you'd be surprised how much less you would be disappointed." read the rest
Wishing all my readers
a holy and spiritually profitable
a holy and spiritually profitable