More Stealth Bills
HR 1913
The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Bill of 2009
*****Establishes discretionary grants that will, in effect, bring local law enforcement under the control of the federal government in the prosecution of hate crimes, defined as any crime "motivated by prejudice based on the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability of the victim, or is a violation of the State, local, or Tribal hate crime laws."
*****Representative, Barney Frank, announced Thursday that the House Judiciary Committee will be considering hate crimes legislation, H.R. 1913, this coming week of April 20. Frank is expecting the committee to pass the bill which would leave it in the House to vote on later this spring, according to a news release issued by Barney Frank on his website last week.
*****This bill sets the stage for prosecuting and silencing pastors and priests who dare to teach that homosexual acts are wrong. Don't think it can happen? It's happening right now in Canada and Sweden.
*****Well, just call me silly, but I though all crimes against persons were, on some level, based on hate.
Read entire bill ...
Hate Crimes Bill on Fast Track
by Karen Hall at Some Have Hats
Dobson Editing Radio Show to Avoid Hate Crimes
"Hate crimes" laws were defeated in Congress just a few months ago. Just a few weeks ago, Frank Wright of the National Religious Broadcasters Association warned, "We must be one in Christ to face the days ahead" because "hate crimes" laws would create untold new liability for Christians. read more
BBC bans "husband" and "wife"; Canada's hate-crime law
*****"Just as was predicted in these pages months ago, the acceptance of homosexual "marriage" is leading instantly to the prohibition of the words "husband" and "wife." According to Robert Bork writing in the current issue of First Things, the BBC has banned use of "husband" and "wife" because those terms privilege heterosexual couples over homosexual couples. So there you have it: the most basic natural and social concepts and realities--concepts and realities fundamental to all human societies from the beginning of time--are now seen as discriminatory and are forbidden." read more
Geranium Journey Update:

All nice and cozy in their new box. I used a Priority Mail box lined in plastic. Loaded it up with Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil and gave it just a sprinkle of water.

Next batch sitting in window under the watchful gaze of St. Francis. This time I remembered to label the containers (using window blind markers), so I would know if it was the variegated or solid color flower.

Six Hundred Posts
Yesterday's post was number 600. I don't know if that's good or bad, but it's a nice round number.
Soon the terms "husband" and "wife" will be considered to be hate speech.
Congrats on post 600!
As to the hate crimes - it will be interesting to see how it will stack up against the 1st Amendment, provided it still exists in the near future.
Congratulations on post 600! That's quite an accomplishment. And congratuations on having such a widely read and well-regarded blog!
Nice pictures of the plants. Life blooms again, and the power of God manifests itself in new life. What a joy to see green again!
As for the legal stuff you posted about, get used to it. There will be more coming -- and it won't just be limited to the public square. It will target the church and our own private lives. The hate crimes stuff is just the first step. Soon it will get worse.
Thank God he's got everything figured out!
Tomorrow is the feast of Divine Mercy, and this time of year, nothing can get me depresed. Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed!
RightKlik - some days the term husband falls in that category... heh!
Larry - Looking forward to 1000. Obama doesn't recognize the 1st Amendment, doncha know!!
Mark - Yep - all four of my regular readers miss me when I don't post...
Legal stuff - the world is upside down!! I trust in God...
like the geraniums. soo pretty!
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