*****While rummaging around the net looking for a picture to "steal" (I'm not real fond of the usual Divine Mercy image), I spy this lovely image. I clicked on it and was led to a blog by a one Father Anthony Ho.
*****It didn't take long to be rather engrossed by the delightful posts of this cheerful and energetic priest. I was feeling rather down today (it's an easy trap to fall into with all the strange stuff going on in our country), but after a half hour with Father Ho, I feel energized again. Thank you, Father!
Do yourself a favor and pay a visit to Father Ho.
*****As some of my long time readers know, I "operate" an adoption service for people that have passed away. I acquire funeral cards of folks that have, in most cases, died many, many years ago. It occurred to me that if these cards were floating around (many come from ebay auctions), then there was a good chance no one was praying for them.
*****The cards are kept in a bowl on my prayer table and so have become known as my "bowl" people. A few months ago nine lovely French people came to live in my bowl and are looking for homes. All are up for adoption except for Georgette Renault, who has asked to stay here.
*****My adoptions are, of course, not limited to just these folks. My bowl is bursting and I have twelve new cards on the way that I just purchased on ebay.
Send me an email at adrienne0645 at gmail dot com or the email on my "about me" page. I will mail you the card and you will be in charge of praying for that person. And remember - they will be praying for you!
Read more about my "bowl" people....
The red colored card is a souvenir of the Jubilee of Abbe Paul Lecouflet who was ordained in 1898...
You may click on images for larger view
Some of them died as long ago as 1902. Two of the cards have actual photos that were glued on which I thought was quite interesting
Monsieur Etienne Eudeline and Madame Eudeline will be adopted out together. He passed away in 1937 and she passed away in 1941. Both were in their 70's.
Georgette died 2 years and 23 days before I was born. She was 17 years old...

See you all Monday
Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself.
You may click on images for larger view

Monsieur Etienne Eudeline and Madame Eudeline will be adopted out together. He passed away in 1937 and she passed away in 1941. Both were in their 70's.

See you all Monday
Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself.
I never thought to do that. I have quite a few old cards that I have tucked away somewhere. I'll have to find them. Have a blessed Sunday.
Amen! Cathy
I think it is a beautiful and prayerful endeavour and i would be delighted to have the opportunity to pray for one of your 'bowl people'.
Would it be too much trouble to send me a card to England? (i can reimburse you the cost).
thanks Adrienne!
Happy Feast Day!
oh sure. I'll adopt a couple. send em on over.
Jennifer - We'll have coffee and I'll bring you an adoptee...
MightMom - shoot me your address by email. Would Sub like to adopt someone??
adrienne at icehouse dot net
Thanks for the blog recommendation -- I went and took at look and the priest's blog is great.
That's an interesting version of the Divine Mercy icon. I like the traditional version myself -- isn't the traditional one based on St. Faustina's visions? Anyway, the great thing about the Divine Mercy devotion is the message, not the icon (although I think the icon is pretty cool).
I've never thought about "adopting" somebody who is deceased. I pray for my family and friends who have passed away. What an interesting idea to adopt somebody else to pray for...
Wonderful weather today (Monday) here in Spokane. How is Post Falls?
Mark - we pray at Mass for all folks that "have gone before us" and also for people by name. I think it is a shame that these folks are floating around not being prayed for.
I have so many people in my bowl that I just ask God to remember all of them. I use the ykwta approach (you know who they are ;-)
Postage to Spokane is pretty inexpensive. I think you could add one or two to your prayer list.
That's a lovely image of the Divine Mercy. I know that the traditional one is from St. Faustina's visions, but I agree that I'm not terribly fond of it.
We had special afternoon devoted to the Divine Mercy at my parish complete with adoration, confessions, sung DM chaplet at 3 and bendiction.
Ashley - Wow - nice parish you belong to. Divine Mercy was pretty well ignored in my parish.
As to the image - maybe in person it looks better, but IMHO it looks like commercial art not fine art.
Thank you for doing this Adrienne. May you be continually blessed.
Dear Sweet Adrienne,
Thank you so very much for gifting me with the Eudeline's!
I received the prayer cards of the couple and the beautiful Marian card and your lovely handwritten note, yesterday. I'm putting up a post about it on my blog in the next hour, just writing it now.
God Bless you!
Wondering if anyone may still be seeking adoption. A child perhaps?
well Adrienne ~ What a wonderful way to honor the Poor Souls & gain graces for those who have been "forgotten"!! I love this idea...please send me a card pronto!
Several months ago, as I was getting out of our car, with my husband (on our way into a favorite restaurant for breakfast) I spotted an old, faded card lying in the dirt next to our parking spot. I bent down to pick it up & lo! It was a prayer card for an elderly gentleman who had recently passed away...God only knows how his card came to be lying there, but thank Him that I found it. I added his name to my prayer list of souls & he has been "remembered" by me ever since. :)
Even tho' I'm sure who ever lost this card is still praying, he has another faithful friend who wishes to see to it that he will soon enter the hallowed Halls of Heaven.
I will send my email to you tonight! And I am adding my name to your followers, as well...
God bless! :)
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