Mainstream Media Hits Bottom
*****Shockingly appalled was my reaction to the recent comments and what passes for reporting on MSMBC and CNN. These people are not journalists. A journalist is someone who reports the news, not someone who interjects their opinions.
*****Where is the outrage over the filthy mouthed people who are paid handsomely to sit behind desks and pretend to be intelligent, while denigrating and insulting the citizens of this country?
*****The likes of Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper should be fired immediately!!
April 18, 2009
CNN and MSNBC: sexual degenerates and liars
by Mark McGrew
*****"...America's Major Media, with no moral boundaries, brought their filthy, trashy mouths into the homes of decent, honest, churchgoing people with children present.
****The term "Teabagging" will not be explained here. Adults will figure it out and children don't need to know. Most of us had no idea what it was, until having the term constantly shouted at us by Major News degenerates." read more
I've many requests for adoptions. Thank you all!
I must head outside for more work. My spring spraying of RoundUp takes hours....see you later.
I learned that particular term a few Christmas' ago when I gave my sister some TEA. My brother thought it was funny and explained it to me and I was just . . . .well, I consider myself somewhat in the "know", but I could live several lifetimes w/out knowing that or wanting to know that. Then, last year, a neighbour boy decided to educate my children on the term . . . nice, huh? That kid was in fifth grade then. Two older brothers . . . in high school . . . so I was not surprised, but I was saddened. Knowing their mother, she would have only placated me at her door had I knocked to complain so I just told the boy next time he came around to keep his filthy crap to himself and be a kid - you'll grow up soon enough as it is. Needless to say, that boy rarely comes here any longer. My kids tell him to be quiet etc. and if he swears, they cut him off and leave. They tell him why - and this is hard to do when it's your peers. But, as an adult, I have told off-colour jokes and the jokes were ill-received. Noted, apologized and never again. Being careful isn't enough - I've had to work hard at keeping it clean. I was allowed to go too far . . . I'm glad I'm changing! It's definitely not acceptable to be crass and just plain disgusting.
Sarah - I had never heard that term before and, like you, I thought I had heard them all.
They find condoms in the middle school around here so I don't see any reason for them not to know the term in question.
I had never heard the term before it started making the rounds after Anderson Cooper said it.
Terry - you don't know how happy I am to hear that ;-)
I know - me too.
I had no idea what the term meant until just recently. I have to say, I was absolutely shocked to find out that CNN, of all places, popularized the use of the phrase in relation to the national Tea Party protests. Lo how the mighty have fallen, when our public news culture is so degenerate as to routinely fall into this kind of filth. It shows the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of the "mainstream media" -- of their lack of a sense of professionalism and their lack of a sense of decency.
What a sad commentary...
Well, it's clear after reading this that I live a sheltered life...I had no idea what this meant. And now I'm sick and disgusted...YUCK! How dare they corrupt me like this. Oh, my goodness. This is why television holds not appeal much anymore. Cathy
Mark - Same as I told Terry - you don't know how happy I am to hear that ;-)
GrandmaK - join the rest of us. And really - I thought I had heard just about everything. Now Sarah, on the other hand has known for several years. Hmmmmmmmm - makes ya wonder
(Only kiiiiiiding, Sarah)
Adrienne, count me among those who didn't realize what it meant, either. I wrote a letter to the President of MSNBC, expressing my disgust with David Shuster's stupid, infantile story on the Teaparty rallies. Within an 8 minute segment, Shuster had made 20 comments with sexual innuendo. 20!
Here's my rant. The first letter was snarky and my husband said I should edit it. The second letter was the one I sent:
Saturday Night Live Skit? Or News?Oh, and I did not get a response. No surprise.
My husband was kind enough to explain it to me after we watched, i think, that clip of jeneane garafalo. She is gross. Thanks for posting this article adrienne, i'll pass it along.
that's a new term for me. I had to use your link and look it up.
and that was said on the NEWS???!!!
double ick.
tis why I don't watch the news!
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