Friday, April 17, 2009

Chavaz & Obama - BFF

What's with the Homeboy Handshake??

...or maybe it's thumb wrestling.

*****Critics of Chávez in Venezuela and the United States claim that the Chávez government is leading Venezuela in an authoritarian direction, with Chavez himself becoming a dictator, abandoning democratic tradition, extending state control over the economy, eliminating dissent, and carrying out "social programs that will set Venezuela back". source

Gosh - that sounds familiar


Terry Nelson said...

LOL! I just posted on this. I think Mr. O is a kiss ass.

Anonymous said...

Obama has very scary body language: he puts his arm around European leaders (to LEAD them) and the gives the most amazingly deferential bow to the King of the House of Saud! Now this! What is going on?

MightyMom said...


girl, we need to get together!

I saw that pic on another site and said to my hubby--QUOTE "What's that?? Some kind of homeboy handshake????!"

he turns my stomach.~~~~~~~ wait, can I still say that without being arrested??