Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Our Current President Speaks Again
and again, and again, and again.

*****Last night I listened to our current President as he dissembled, rambled, prevaricated, and labored to hide the fact that he was reading from the monitor embedded in the podium.

*****This morning I stumbled on this wonderful blog, The Modern Gal, who is a self professed grammar nerd. She found a diagram of an Obama sentence at The Grammar Vandal and passed it on.

The sentence: “My view is also that nobody’s above the law, and, if there are clear instances of wrongdoing, that people should be prosecuted just like any ordinary citizen, but that, generally speaking, I’m more interested in looking forward than I am in looking backwards.”

The diagram:

It Finally Happened

*****My Google Reader is now over 1000. I have no idea of how far over 'cause they quit counting at 1000 and only add a plus sign. I wiped out about 100 items and I'm still at 1000+.

Oh my!


Congress launches battle on Obama budget

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Democrats moved on Wednesday to slim down President Barack Obama's 2010 budget request amid bipartisan worries that his plan could make the U.S. deficit balloon with new federal spending. Gosh, ya think?? read more

Pray for Our German Shepard
He's standing between us and chaos!! May God bless him and keep him safe.

43 Percent of French Catholics Want Pope to "Step Down"

ROME, March 23, 2009 ( - A pair of polls released in France show that increasing numbers of French people want Pope Benedict to "step down." According to Catholic commentators, the polls come at a time of unprecedented hostility in the media to the Pope's reiteration of Catholic sexual morality. read more

Due to my little hand problem (quickly on the mend), I am a bit behind on work. I'll see you all later after I pack ebay items, go to the Post Office, FedEx, bank, hit the gym, and continue on with painting my bathroom.

We've already managed to pop into Costco, buy ammo at Black Sheep, and visit my doctor.