Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Google Reader

My Google Reader is all up and humming right along. Number of Catholic blogs logged in? Glad you asked - 160. And I wondered where my time went??

That number does not include the news sites I frequent. Add another 35
I am truly insane and need to get a life



Sheesh guys. When I said what I said about comments, I wasn't pointing fingers or asking for sympathy. So --- no more guilt (even though I think guilt is the best part of being Catholic), and no more feeling sorry for me. I'll be just fine after the red in my eyes from crying clears up.....

A Note for Toby from Elle

Dear Toby,

*****Just a quick note to welcome you to the family. Since your Dad is my Mom's cyber- nephew, I guess that makes us cousins. So, I was reading some of that info posted about you and I thought since I am older and wiser, a little advice was in order.

*****Whooeeeee - I can sure remember the chewing days. Dang dude, I chewed everything in the entire house except the shoes. One time I even ate the corner off the coffee table. Who needs a chew stick when you can have a whole table? So here's the deal. Take advantage of your little size and big eyes and your people will tolerate almost anything. Work that innocent puppy stuff for all it's worth.

****I was so gosh darn good at it that one day my halter got caught on the stand where my Dad's banjo was sitting. He was busy teaching a lesson and didn't notice. I pulled over the banjo and his custom built (in Nashville, no less), banjo neck broke. When my Mom got home she thought for sure one or the other of us was going to get killed. But guess what? I just acted really scared, which is easy to do when you weigh 3 pounds, and my Dad DEFENDED me to my Mom. He was babbling about how I could have gotten hurt and on and on. Can you believe it? Pretty cool!!

****Ok, so back to you. About that nose. Is it going to grow a little bit? Maybe in time protrude outwards a bit? I mean - don't get me wrong. It's an ok nose but it is, shall we say, a bit challenged. I guess no one will really notice if it doesn't grow since you are a blond and have great eyes. They say people notice the eyes first.

****Everyone likes my friend Stella even though she has really short legs. Now there's a gal who knows how to work the cute thing. We could all take some lessons from her.

****Not to say that I'm perfect. No siree Bob - I'd never say that. As a matter of fact, my Dad just said I looked like a python that just ate a rat. It seems the groomer left some longer fur over my rib cage that poofs out, hence the rat thing. Mom said she'd fix it.
****Next - find some really cute poses and always, always act really, really excited to see your people. People tend to be pretty insecure, and this reassures them of their value, which we all know is getting the lid off the dog food can. We could rule the world if we had thumbs, doncha know?

****See how my body language lets my people know I am anxiously awaiting their return. Now bubble butt Angela, being a cat, doesn't see the need for this sort of stuff. She just kinda sits there giving me the ol' evil eye, like I'm some kinda suck up weasel. She may be right, but until I get thumbs, I'm not taking any chances.

Welcome Toby!!


Packrat said...

Good blog!

How can one resist the power of puppy eyes? I still have the dog that ate my house plants and lived. I still have another one that chewed the corners off the base of the dining table and tore chunks out of two sofas. My mom still has the dog that dug through all new bedding and put a big hole into a new mattress. And, you still have the one that broke a custom made banjo. Now, if the kids had done that... Oh, Dear!

Packrat said...

Oh, I forget to rub it in. Our snow is basically gone. The sidewalk was even dry yesterday.

However, we now have MUD - black, sticky, suck-you-in, staining MUD.

Anonymous said...

Awww! He is such a sweet little guy!

Tom in Vegas said...

Elle: You itty-bitty cutie-pie! You and Toby don't have to try very hard to be cute:0) This means you guys can get away with just about any misdeed knowing full well we don't have the heart to get mad at you. Toby is like a little puff of smoke, not only because - like you - he ways very little, but also because he’s impossible to capture. He likes getting into places he’s not suppose to and everything he sees, well, he has to sample before realizing it’s not to be eaten.

Toby's nose won't grow "out" since he is a Pekingese. This also means we have to keep it clean with a solution the doctor gave us otherwise it could get infected.

Be good to your mom (my Auntie A) and your dad, Harold. They love you very much and you gave them quite a scare a month or so ago when you got sick. Also, be nice to Angela. Just because she’s a cat it does not make her any less of a sister to you. And, you must admit, she’s cute too!

I’m going to go say hi to Stella. Apparently, she, too, is a dog lover:0)

Tom in Vegas said...

Should read "weighs" instead of ways. (ugh!)