Thursday, December 18, 2008

Be Careful What You Pray For.....

Taken from our deck which is over two feet off the ground...

Gosh - I'd take a picture of the front but I can't get to it. The drifts are almost to the top of our front door and windows. Driveway? Fagetaboutit!! All we've managed so far is a little trail to the barn.

Our neighbor on the end is out with his tractor. Maybe he'll take pity on us and unearth our barn doors.

Those drifts are waaaaaay over my head and I stand a regal 5'2".

And guess what?? It's still snowing!


PJA said...

Je suis jaloux !!!!!

Adrienne said...

Philip - You're joking, right??

PJA said...

We don't get snow here... just lots of rain and grey skies.

Adrienne said...

Ok, ok - I like snow but just not quite so much all at once. Another 4 hours to go. We found the front door (barely!)

Now we're digging out one half of barn door except I don't think we could get down our road even if we did get the car out of the barn....

Elisabeth said...

Oh, Adrienne! What beautiful photos!
For the past several years, we haven't had enough snow to even make the ground white, but in 2000 we had an all-time record snow: 2' came pouring down overnight. It was beautiful! And I know you're safe and warm and snug - and I remember all that cooking you did a couple months ago, so I know you have food... What a winter wonderland!

The Crescat said...

the eleventh commandment expanded on... and the snow shall encompass the earth and swallow the barn.

Kelly said...

We ususally don't get much snow over here either but I have been sent home from work early two days in a row because of the snow and icy roads. The kids have only had one day of scool this week too and that was a two hour delay! Glad it is nowhere near what you have!

Athanasis Contra Mundum said...

Once you get it cleared from roads and driveways snow is a lot of fun. Sledding, skiing, snowboarding, snowballs, etc.

Mark D. said...

Well, Adrienne, I sympathize with you! I know what you're going through -- we've got the same snow dump over here in Spokane!

Great photos too, by the way. I linked to them over on my blog...

Cathy_of_Alex said...

I hope Santa can still find the place!

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

Hmmm, here in Ca, we don't have any of that. I get worried if the Thermometer goes below 60, haha

Kirk said...

Auntie A,
that is way way too much snow for my liking!
When I was a child I always hated snow getting into my shoes or down the side of my boots.
Here in Kaiserswerth we have 0 snow. They are always forecasting it but nothing ever happens.

Kirk said...

Bye the way, I apear to ocassionally have the ability to make it snow. . .
In Amsterdam I said 'wouldn't it be great if it snowed' Result: blizzard.
In Melbourne my sister wanted snow for their trip to the Australian Alps. I said: I will do my best. Result: best snow falls in many years
In Stockholm I was wishing for lots of snow. Result: so much snow that we nearly didn't get home.
So why can't I get just a little snow for us here over Christmas???

Tracy said...

Oh man... looks like our yard and we are getting more this weekend... waaaaa... no more snow.. we have enough:)

Adrienne said...

Kelly - Your area jus goes wonkers when it snows. Tacoma got tons (for them)

Athanasius - true. At the rate we're going we'll have it cleared by the end of tonight. We don't live in a neighborhood and the drifting has been very bad. We worked about seven hours yesterday just to get to the wood, uncover a portion of the deck and part of the driveway...

Cathy - no "redneck" driving around the driveway. We have a tiny little path and we're only half way done...

Mark - You had a "snow day". I saw they closed school...

Kirk - Is some of this your fault?

Joe - don't rub it in....

Tracy - we're expecting another 6" this Sunday.