I excel in work avoidance. We used to call it procrastination and considered it a weakness in one's character. In today's world we have a myriad of ways to avoid work. We can blog (either posting or reading), talk to our friends on Facebook, update our MySpace page, keep up with the sporting events (full-time job), recreational shopping, and on and on.
I'm sitting here right now doing this post instead of my work. I've promised myself HUGE rewards for doing my work. A coffee drink and a trip to the Library usually works as a reward. So having said all that, here's my Facebook address. Help me ruin my life by being my friend.
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1145963708 At least I think this gets you to my Facebook page. If not: I am Adrienne Streeter on Facebook.
Off to do some work - I hope...................
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1145963708 At least I think this gets you to my Facebook page. If not: I am Adrienne Streeter on Facebook.
Off to do some work - I hope...................
I just added you darling! Anyone of your dear visitors reading this can add me by clicking the link to my blog and then clicking the facebook pic of me on my blog page :-)
No, don't do it!!!!
Only joking. I do sometimes "worry" that one day I'll be the only person in the world with no facebook friends. This is deliberate on my part as I find blogging frighteningly time-consuming and I think people put a bit of care into what they do in a blog. Facebook is just too flighty and may become a gossip shop for me, so I avoid it.
Problem is, so many lovely people are now on facebook...I wish you all luck just don't expect me to join you.
I have an account that I never bothered to expand or explore. Maybe you can tell me my password because I sure don't know.
I just added you; I agree that it is so easy to not get things done with all these new gadgets, what did we ever do before blogger, facebook, myspace, lol!!
I was gonna join a procrastinator's club once. But I never got around to it.
I'm with Rita. I doubt I'll get a facebook page. So don't be mad if I'm not your "friend" on facebook LOL.
Seriously, I have enough to do around here that doesn't get done. I've had to start bargaining with myself to get any of the daily chores done. Pathic!
Adrienne, this blog is your work. Think of how many lives it touches and enhances. Not all of your readers leave comments.
Your series on the 12 steps is marvelous. Don't erase it, I want to refer people to it.
If a few flowers wilt, or if a few weeds grow, don't forget that God does not plant in straight rows, and that he mixes the wheat with the (cockles, chaff, weeds -- chose your translation). Those are human conceits, even if on occasion they are beautiful.
RJW - How true for me too.....
Paula - It's your fault this all started and now you're not going to be my friend. Waaaaaaaaaaa! (But, I still love you)
Tracy - I suspect that we actually got some work done. LOL
Tom - just make up a new password. Or do like I did and just open up another account under a different email.
Irene - How sweet of you to say those nice things. Hugs....
You crack me up! It's the same for me, too...
Oooo...the library!
I think I'm supposed to have a facebook page... can't remember...
My internet time is my avoidance technique for housework and for reading difficult things that require real effort. sigh.
(I knew I liked you, Adrienne! ;) )
Like Tom in LV, I have problems with my password. I've become so used to being automatically logged in, that when I'm logged out, I'm as good as locked out!
I've just got into the Facebook thing and in a short space of time, have become a shameless hussy. I've lost count of how many groups I've joined!
It's all Deb's fault, really. If she hadn't placed that Facebook thing on her blog, I'd have never bothered.
If you are linked to Deb, then'll have a look for you.
Phillip --- yes, yes, yes! You MUST be my friend.
I have all my passwords posted in front of my computer (in code). The list is getting very, very long 'cause I pay my bills, do my banking, and shop online.
Done already.
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