This is what Paul has to say about Paul from his profile:
I am a sober alcoholic and revert to the Church who found continued sobriety and serenity in the Faith. A 12-Step program established a basis, but I needed something more...
His main blog is called Sober Catholic which he describes as "The musings, meditations and meanderings of a sober alcoholic who maintains his sobriety by the graces of God through the Catholic Church."
He also maintains The Four Last Things, God's Merciful Love (which is mainly his lovely wife's blog), and Trudging Paulcoholic's Road. With a bit of extra time on his hands, even though he works a full-time job, Paul started Catholics in Recovery. In Paul's words it is "a social network for Catholics recovering from addictions (any: alcohol, drugs, whatever). It is just a place where people can meet in discussion forums, upload and share photos, videos and whatever. I figure the discussion forums would be most useful. It also fills a little bit that lack of interactive sites for Catholic alcoholics and addicts I mentioned above." (quote from his email)
One of Paul's loyal readers, John, mentioned that I was doing a little bit of "12 Stepping the Catholic Way" so Paul took a gander and being young he decided I was a rational human being. Please don't tell him the truth. Please!!
John writes the "Venerable Matt Talbot Resource Center". John is Dr. John Blair, a psychologist and professor emeritus, whose current research includes addiction recovery, conversion experiences, and 12-step spirituality. I know that Terry over at Abbey-Roads 2 is a Matt Talbot fan and has been referenced on this page that tells a bit of Matt Talbot's story.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Today was the day to inaugurate my new chaise lounge in a wonderful shady spot in the yard. I wanted to take some pictures and after snapping two (not very good) pictures my battery needed re-charging.
Not to worry, though. Notice the chair is empty. It is empty because I really never got to enjoy the shade. Why? I was doing "12th step work." Step Twelve says "Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs."
This afternoon a friend and I removed two kids ages 15 and 16 to safe homes after we discovered their father had "gone back out", a euphemism in the program for someone who starts to drink again. Closer to the home front, I consoled my brother over the continued drinking of his son, my nephew. It appears my nephew may be in some serious legal trouble, the details unknown at this time. It doesn't look good. My nephew is an attorney (lots and lots of drunk attorneys) and if what we suspect is true - there goes the law license. But even more important, if he doesn't stop drinking soon he will die.
The Chair is Empty

Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
Second Reading
2 Tim 4:6-8,17-18
I, Paul, am already being poured out like a libation,and the time of my departure is at hand.
I have competed well; I have finished the race;
I have kept the faith.
From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me,
which the Lord, the just judge,will award to me on that day,
and not only to me,but to all who have longed for his appearance.
The Lord stood by me and gave me strength,
so that through me the proclamation might be completed
and all the Gentiles might hear it.
And I was rescued from the lion’s mouth.
The Lord will rescue me from every evil threatand
and will bring me safe to his heavenly Kingdom.
To him be glory forever and ever. Amen.
That's a beautiful lounge you got there, Auntie A. Looks so darn comfortable and lazy out there in the shade:0) And the table is screaming louder than I am for a cold glass of lemonade!
It breaks the heart to hear of your nephews drinking problem. I will keep him in my prayers, and hope the Lord opens his eyes to the example of you.
Thank you, Adrienne, for the write-up! (BTW, I'm 45, not that young!)
Tom - on sale at KMart for $29.99 - $10.00 off.
Maybe Tuesday I can actually use it LOL
Paul - FORTY FIVE!!! I'm still old enough to be your Mommy (barely).....Erk!!
Your wife's art work is lovely. Ran out of steam in my hot office to do more. Will get to her later. She may want to visit Deb at Ukoks Place who does some of the same type of stuff.
You'll have to cut and paste 'cause I'm too lazy to learn the HTML for a link......
........and, you may want to check out Facebook. All the crazy Catholic Bloggers are doing it now. It's kinda fun!
Ven Matt Talbot and St Monica are in our Family Litany.
AA's 12 Steps are a God send. I just wish the steps weren't so difficult. Watching someone fall and fall is so so hard.
Knowing there are people out there who are sober is a great blessing.
God bless you and Paulcoholic
Thanks - I'll check Paul out.
thanks for coming by :-)
meeting Paul and the beginning of the year long celebration, how fortuitous indeed...
from Idaho, somehow I thought you were from England... geeze Scott, wake up!
You are being sent Paul. What a blessing.
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