it will happen if Trump doesn't prevail.
Look around you at the masked-up people. They will become the army forcing you to comply.
Please read this story.
Before I decided to kick Costco to the curb over their new mask and/or plastic shield policy, I followed a site called Costco Insider, who each month posted a copy of the Costco coupon book before it was officially released.
Every month, in spite of the vast majority of commenters complaining about having difficulty accessing the coupon book, I always thanked them for providing this at no cost.
This is a typical comment on the current December coupon book posting:
hopittome • 2 days agoYou people are the worst. Why do you make it so difficult to find the coupon book? I don't expect an answer.
It has 6 up votes and zero down votes. It seems that the tech challenged couldn't figure out they had to be on the actual post and not the main page.
WebTraveler to Adrienne • 2 days ago
Three days ago I left this message:
Adrienne • 3 days ago
Thank you, Costco Insider.
However, with the new Costco mask mandates I won't be shopping there anymore. I'm an ex-Costco employee (9+ years) and a supporter, but they've stepped over the line. No longer a member. Sad.
Notice I thanked them, didn't insult anyone, didn't tell anyone they were sheeple and a doofus for running around with a filthy mask on their face, and didn't even insult Costco. I simply said under the new rules I (me/personally) would not shop there anymore. I didn't suggest anyone else shouldn't shop there (boycott), I simply expressed my sadness at deciding to not shop there myself (me/personally.)
Well, slap my rear patoot and call me a biscuit, this is what ensued:
I won't bother to post the argument that erupted about racism over that comment where the participants soundly insulted each other. It was weird.
Your conduct is ridiculous. Your mask protects other people. OTHER PEOPLE. That's me, and others. You are the reason that this thing is out of control.
You lack integrity in every sense of the word. Glad you are out. Go make your stupid stand.
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