Saturday, September 28, 2019

Has Matt Drudge been taken over by a pod person?...

it seems to be the question of the day.

Is the new Drudge in there?
Matt Drudge (Drudge Report)  is an aggregator.  He links to articles that he considers important often giving them catchy little titles.  That's about all he does. He shot to prominence when he more or less broke the  Clinton/Monica Lewinski scandal. This linking business has made him a multi-multi-millionaire. Good for him.

Lately his catchy little titles have developed a decidedly anti-Trump vibe and people are all upset.


In my opinion too much brouhaha is made over Drudge and his possible influence.  While it's true that a majority of peeps don't read beyond the title of an article, there's nothing to be done about that. We're not responsible for fixing stupid.

In the meantime, Whatfinger News, is setting up quite the challenge to Drudge with an aggregate site that is way more interesting and packed full of goodies than Drudge.

So the weekend is here.  For you folks who actually have the weekend off, have a great few days.  Rest easy.  Calm down. Because Trump is not going anywhere - except to the largest win in 2020 by any candidate for president, evah! 

Amazon Today

15% Off  FluNada Cold & Flu Relief  I ordered this today on the recommendation of one of the MOTUS regulars.  I've been fighting a cold since last Monday - in part I think because my feckless ex-doctor bullied me into a tetanus booster a few months ago.  I think it destroyed my immune system.

Amazon Essentials Men's Fleece Sweatpants only $15.50 I just purchased three pairs of these straight leg sweatpants for hubby.  They are very high quality.

ZPAW Daily Multivitamins for Dogs of All Ages | Natural Dog Vitamins and Supplements for a Strong Immune System and Healthy Nervous System with Minerals and Antioxidants  Since I started to make my dog's food, I thought having a supplement would be a good idea.  I've been very pleased with these vitamins and I'm on my third jar.