Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Anti-Trump Virtue Signalling Republicans...

are not as morally upright as they think they are.

And they have way less influence than they also think they have.

Does the world at large really give a rip what Erick Erickson has to say, or any of the other #nevertrumpers?  These people who are calling Donald Trump crude and crass are themselves some of the crudest people around.

As for Trump's "very bad week."  It wasn't bad at all.  Think on this:  Trump called out the Muslim Khizr Khan after he maligned Trump at the DNC, who, I might add, had nothing to do with the death of Khan's son.  Was Trump being stupid?  Absolutely not.  He knew, and Paul Manafort knew, that the alt-media would do their work for them.  And we did.  We exposed Khan as the paid-for-puppet of the Clintons who engages in very questionable practices when it comes to Muslim immigration.

 The upshot is that this is but another issue wiped off the slate of things for Hillary to bring up at the debates; that is, if she doesn't seizure off the planet first.

I don't recall any nominee of the Republican party ever having to fend off attacks by his opponent, as well as his own party.

Listen to the openly homosexual Frank Bruni discuss his ridiculous fears if Trump loses.  Really, Frank - you should go back to doing restaurant reviews.  I don't care what you think, and no one else does either.


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