Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Adventures in Canning: Peaches

are delicious.

Peaches prepped and ready to be sliced:

All done:

I have 14 half pint jars of sliced peaches:

Still to do:

These last peaches are becoming dangerously soft, so I will can them in quarts and only halve them instead of slices. 

What I learned:

1.  Have your canning equipment out and your prep area carefully arranged.

2.  Slicing the peaches in half, removing the pit, and using a melon baller to clean the pit area is best done before popping them in hot water/cold water to peel.

3. Use Fresh Fruit to keep the fruit from browning.  There are many home recipes online for keeping fruit from browning.  Personally, I think the extra time is not worth it.  Just buy Fresh Fruit.

4.  Before slicing, sprinkling with Fresh Fruit, and putting in hot syrup - use the rest room.  You do not want to be in the middle of jarring the peaches and have the "sudden urge."

My reward?

A entire case of pears to can.  Yahoo!

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