Monday, April 30, 2012

I'm having dinner with the governor tonight...

okay - there might be a few other folks there too.
The Panhandle Pachyderm Club of Post Falls would like to invite you to join us for a unifying celebration as together we work toward victory in November. The event is called “Unifying for November, Diversity is Our Strength.” It will be held on Monday, April 30, 2012, at the Templin's Red Lion Inn in Post Falls. The doors will open at 5:30pm with a no-host social hour at 6:00pm and dinner about 6:45pm. Our guest speaker will be Governor Butch Otter. 

Templin's Resort on the Spokane river just minutes away from my home...

Governor Otter of the great conservative state of Idaho.  Handsome man.  I'm looking forward to meeting him.


Big decision.  Do I wear a long skirt or a short skirt.  Life can be so difficult sometimes...

Okay - my outrage meter just went up...

about 1000 notches.

What kind of woman proudly declares her desire to kill her own baby and demands that you pay for it?  This is one of the most disturbing things I've witnessed in a long time.  Sad and pathetic women acting out their part as useful idiots...

More at Zombie:   “Unite Against the War on Women” march, Los Angeles

My outrage meter is set on low today...

it's all getting to be too much.

It's raining and blustery outside.

This is how we deal with that around here...



Emergency Action Needed...

oh my!

Last night we had luscious tri-tip steaks and asparagus (on sale for $1.48 per lb) - both grilled to perfection.  The emergency?  It was my last package of frozen tri-tips.  Arrrrrrrrrrrrgh!

I purchase the whole tri-tip at Costco and slice the steaks extra thick.  There's usually 2 or 3 tri-tips per package which yields about 50 or so steaks. It works out to about $1.50 - $2.00 for each very large steak.  Try buying a good steak in the grocery store for $2.00.

 After freezing them on a cookie sheet they are vacuum sealed in packages of 4 or 6.  This usually saves way over $2.00 per lb. and lasts about a year.   Guess I'll head to Costco this week and grab another tri-tip.

This is what a tri-tip looks like.  When slicing it into steaks always remember to start from the pointy end.  That way you don't have to worry about  the gibberish about cutting across (or is that with?) the grain. 

It comes from here:

Having a BBQ party?  Make life easy and throw a whole tri-tip on the grill:

While the roast is "resting" throw some asparagus on the grill after covering it with a bit of olive oil and a sprinkle of kosher salt.

or mixed veggies in a grill basket:

or on a skewer...

Fancy dinner party?  How about Peppered Tri-tip Steaks with pepper cream sauce?  

Recipe Here


How about steak and eggs for breakfast the next morning?

or steak salad for lunch?

or tacos for dinner?

I'm officially hungry right now.  How about you?

It's Monday...

what's going on.

Bungalow Bill:  Eric Cantor's Richard Mourdoch Attack Proves Cantor's Hypocrisy

Conservative Hideout 2.0:   Ending Bullying With Even More Bullying: Or is it Really About Attacking Dissent? UPDATED

Doug Ross:   "I'm unemployed, my wife left me and the house is getting foreclosed on, but at least we've got a cool president!"

Hack Wilson:   Dan Savage: Obama's favorite homosexual who hates Christians (Video)

Always On Watch:   Solyndra's Toxic Waste

Jammie Wearing Fool:   Political slowdown in Corzine probe?

Western Hero:   Naked Tyranny

Phoebe's Detention Room:  When the Trucks Stop, America Will Stop

Capitalist Preservation:   Greenie Wienies Causing Global Warming?

WyBlog:  Fat jokes are OK when they're aimed at Chris Christie

My Daily Trek:   Gun carrying man ends stabbing spree at Salt Lake grocery store

Keith Koffler at Politico:  Obama’s deficit attention disorder

A must see:

Reaganite Republican:   Images from Dallas - Ft Worth Airport

Another must see:

Woodsterman:   Funniest Ads From 2011

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Rumors of War III...

tonight would be good time to watch if you haven't had a chance yet.

Rumors of War III

Pour yourself a cocktail, grab some chips, and watch this.  It's important that you see it.  Really...

Bill Whittle: An Excellent Education Is Possible, Just Not In American Schools

for McNorman...

The republican Mother...

has been a busy little bee - and we thank her.

I don't think there is anyone in the blogosphere who works as hard as this lady does.  And she has kids to care for, too (I think she must be duct-taping them to the ceiling while she works - or something.)

As part of her on-going investigation of Big Pharma Cartel Complex, she has made this incredible map connecting the dots.  Underneath the map is a "link" to click on to view the map full size.  She has stressed the need to do this because some people (I don't want to mention names, but it starts with A and ends with E) were too stupid to follow directions.  Sigh...

Based on an article from the Atlantic about a new paper to be published in Ethics, Policy & Environment which proposes a series of biomedical modifications that could help humans consume less.  Can you say "meat aversion" pills?

As republican Mother says:

"By golly! If you don't go along to get along with the New Tyranny"...

You Will Be Drugged into Submission


Sebelius squirms...

it's a lovely sight. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rumors of War III...

needs to be seen by everyone.

Do not let the length of this video deter you.  It's the shortest and scariest hour you will spend watching something.  Please, watch it.

It is not possible to view this in full screen.  A slightly larger version is available on YouTube.  
iOwnTheWorld also has a slightly larger version.


 Michele Bachmann with Glenn Beck on the radio April 26, 2012 about Rumors of War III

Bill Whittle: The greatest sentence ever written...

"The love of theory is the root of all evil"

Let's talk about Patheos...

known around our house as "the barn where every religion has its very own stall."  

Even Scientology. What? 

I loathe combox flame wars and never engage in them.  They are pointless and a complete waste of time.

 However (always listen closely to what follows either "but" or "however"), my good friend and blogger extraordinaire, LarryD, of Acts of the Apostasy, did a post last week - The Problem With Patheos

In his post, he expressed some troubling aspects on the site, mostly focusing on some misleading information on the Catholic faith, and he questioned whether some of the other faiths were also being described incorrectly.

For those of you who not aware of Patheos, it is a big site where every religion has a "portal" with it's own little group of bloggers and columnists.  When a blogger is invited to join, their entire personal blog is subsumed into the Patheos site and they cease to exist as an independent blogger.  I believe they are paid on a "pay per click" basis and, as Larry made very clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I've always thought the Patheos site was a jumble of incoherency and terribly hard to navigate, which has become even worse since their recent re-design.  All manner of articles are jumbled up together on the main page with no indication of what religion is the basis for the article, making it a modern day Tower of Babel.

Larry never attacked or demeaned any of the writers at the site and only pointed out a few deficiencies.  What followed was a fairly predictable event, as the Catholic bloggers from Patheos piled on Larry, doing their best imitation of outrage at how anyone could question their fidelity to the faith (which Larry never did), and to express the wonder of having tripled their readership.  This increased readership was touted as a way to promote more evangelization of the faith.

Leading the pack was one of their "star" bloggers, a certain Mark Shea (no link on purpose.)  This would be the same Mark Shea who routinely rips to shreds anyone who dares to disagree with him.  The same Mark Shea who, when Father John Corapi was under investigation last year, proceeded, along with one Deacon Greg Kandra and Elizabeth Scalia, to demonize Corapi and denounce anyone who dared to say that perhaps they didn't have the full story.  Guess what?  We still don't have the full story, and Corapi has completely dropped from sight.  That resulted in all of them piling on again to declare; "See, we were right all along."  Huh?

Or how about Michael Voris, president of St. Michael's Media, which produces Real Catholic TV?  In one of Mr. Voris' presentations on the Vortex series, he made a reference to "professional Catholics."  Mr. Shea's ego went into overdrive thinking that certainly Mr. Voris just had to be referring to him.  Ummmm - I don't think so, Mark; your sense of self-importance is not shared by everyone.  What followed was article after article denigrating Real Catholic TV, Michael Voris, and anyone who actually liked Mr. Voris and what he had to say.

If this sort of thing is what passes as "evangelization" in their world, they are sadly mistaken.  If they were really serious about evangelizing, maybe they should consider toning down the snarkiness and "eating of their own" and try promoting the beauty of the Catholic faith.

This blog started out as a "Catholic" blog and eventually morphed into politics.  The vitriol I found on so many Catholic blogs became a complete turn off.  Politics is tame in comparison.  Are there problems with some of the goings on in the Church?  You bet there are!  Churches are made up of people and people are not perfect.  In order to continue as a "Catholic" blogger, I would have had to air some dirty laundry in public - something I'm not comfortable doing anymore than I would be comfortable airing any personal family problems I may be having.

Those that have taken up that mantel, like Michael Voris, should not be demonized and ridiculed.  I say, "God bless them and may they continue their fine work." 

 Lest you think I'm dumping on all Catholic blogs,  allow me to disabuse you of that notion.  There are many fine Catholic bloggers out there.  People like Patrick Madrid, Karl Keating, founder of Catholic Answers, Matt and Pat Archbold of Creative Minority Report, and yes - LarryD of Acts of the Apostasy, who is one of the best examples of a fine Catholic husband, father, and son that you could hope to find and did not deserve to be attacked. 


Another good assessment of Patheos and defense of Larry:

Mundabor's Blog:   Patheos and Catholicism

Speaking of Michael Voris:


Sydney Gay Catholic Group 
Soho Masses Video 

Catholic Bishops Call For Two Weeks of Action Against Obama...

this sounds like fun!

Roman Catholic leaders are calling for two weeks of public protests against President Barack Obama's policies as they intensify their argument that the administration is engaged in a war on religion.

The days between June 21 and July 4 have been set aside by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops which has sought to end the administration's contraception mandate, among other policies.

The protests against the Obama administration’s policies could be “the game-changer” in the presidential election, one leading lay churchman told Newsmax on Tuesday.

The protests, dubbed “A Fortnight for Freedom” will be an “unprecedented, aggressive attack” against policies that church leaders see as an assault on religious freedom, said Catholic Advocate chairman Deal Hudson.
Read more on Catholic Bishops Call For Two Weeks of Action Against Obama

Creative Minority Report:   8 Reasons Catholics are the Worst Protesters

And then we have the "Catholics in Name Only":

From the Blaze:

Soros-Linked Catholic Group & 90 Professors Protest Paul Ryan at Georgetown University

Montreal students riot over raises in tuition...

that is 80% funded by the government - which I think is broke.

Socialism: Eventually you run out of other people's money - doncha know?

I'm reading about the riots in Montreal over the proposed rate hike of college tuition by about $325.00.  Without knowing what the rates are now, I had no way of knowing if this was an egregious demand.  I decided to do a bit of sleuthing around to see if I could ascertain what it costs to go to school in Montreal

 It wasn't easy to find what I was looking for, so I ran myself through a few "tuition calculators" for schools in Montreal that I found online.  I kept coming up with really weird figures like around $2000.00 for 15 credits in each of three quarters.  The $2000.00 was for all three quarters for a citizen of Quebec.   Huh?  I think I paid that much in the 60's at the University of Houston.  Certainly that couldn't be correct.

As luck would have it, I stumbled upon a Canadian blog which gave figures that matched what I was coming up with.  I have a habit of paying as much attention to the comments as I do to articles.  Alas and alack, half the dang comments are in French. 

Quebec Students- A Study in Entitlement 
Every time I hear Quebec students leaders threaten a strike over tuition fees, I grind my teeth and remind myself that this is exactly what is wrong with Quebec.

You'd never know it from listening to the incessant and annoying braying that Quebec students remain the most pampered in North America, with the lowest tuition fees and among the lowest entry standards for access to post-secondary education.

The average annual Quebec university tuition fee is $2,168, while the average in the ROC(Quebec excluded) is $5,445. In the United States that fee is over $10,000.

In other words, Quebecers pay less than 40% of what other Canadians pay for a university education and about 20% of what Americans pay.

The students are mighty angry over the fact that the Quebec government plans to boost annual tuition fees by $325 per year for five years, raising the fees to $3,793 by 2017.    read the rest

Well - this will make everything better.  Let's rip up a few businesses, clog the streets, and cost the (heavily taxed) people of Montreal lots of money to send out the police.  I'm so tired of people protesting - in particular the lazy know-nothing little twits you see in this video.

Michael Savage: Trickle Down Tyranny...

is he right?

What I've heard so far about Savage's book has been good.  I have not read it, but I have it on hold at the library.  Mr. Savage is a polarizing figure.  We used to listen to him years ago but none of our local stations carry him anymore.

This morning while cruising around I bumped into a review of his book by Wes Vernon.  That made me stop and take notice as I have the utmost regard for the opinions of Mr. Vernon.

From: Wes Vernon

It is with a mixture of caution and fascination that one reviews a book by Michael Savage. Some toxic controversies in which he has been embroiled transcend his worldview (about which some have questioned).

Consider, however, that the British government outrageously has denied him entry into its kingdom and that some 10 million Americans are drawn to his radio talkshow. Like him or not, he is not to be ignored.

In Trickle Down Tyranny: Crushing Obama's Dream of the Socialist States of America, the author makes the case that — unlike Obama's 43 predecessors (good and bad) who merely made mistakes — this president is suspect of deliberately attempting to bring down the United States.   read the rest

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Is it time to privatize schools?

I've thought so for a long time.

Teachers’ Unions: Sacrificing the Future of a Nation’s Youth to Idleness, Incompetence, and Greed

Obama continues to beclown the office of President of the United States...

with his classless and distasteful behavior. 

The RNC has put together snippets from Obama's cringe worthy appearance on the Jimmy Fallon show and Mitt Romney's speech. 

Civil Union Confusion...

does the Church give it's blessing to homosexual behavior?


Vatican Document 

Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons.

Mitt Romney: A Better America Begins Tonight...

 it's the beginning of the end of the disappoint of the Obama years.

Americans are tired of being tired.

Watching Obama's cringe worthy appearance on the Jimmy Fallon show...

is not a good way to start the day.

Pundette brings us the disgusting display - and I guess we thank her - sort of.

And don't miss the ignorant coddled college students cheering for low interest rates on the mega-loans they saddled themselves with so they could earn a degree in womyn studies and spend the next 20 years paying them off with their McDonald's salary. 

Obama slow-jams America




Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The sun is shining...

these kittehs have the right idea.

See you all later.  

P.S. Thanks for all the nice comments yesterday.  Things are not always all bad.  The cops that made my call were gorgeous...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Zimmerman: "I didn't know if he was armed"...

out on bail.

I have refrained from commenting on the media circus surrounding George Zimmerman.  None of us were there, and none of us have all the facts.  However, when Zimmerman was being attacked by a clearly incompetent prosecutor at his bail hearing, one thing jumped out at me.  Mr. Zimmerman said he was sorry and he said, "I didn't know if he was armed", referring to Trayvon Martin.

 I will make this story as short and concise as I can. It carries two very important messages.

In 1977, while living in Houston, I decided to move back to my native Minnesota.  I ended up in a very fun town home converted to apartments in the Loring Park neighborhood of Minneapolis.  The area was in the first flush of being "gentrified", and while I had to put up with hookers walking around at night, the hardwood floors, high ceilings, and original gas fixtures converted to electric, far outweighed a minor inconvenience like prostitutes gathering across the street at night.

One day at around dusk I decided to take a walk downtown to visit a newsstand and pick up some magazines and paperbacks to enjoy over the weekend.  I stuck some money in my pocket and off I went.

As I was walking down the street, which was fairly empty at that time of day, I saw a man approaching from the opposite direction.  There was nothing particularly alarming about him.  He was dressed in a dazzling white T-shirt and clean jeans.  He was black and he was nice looking.

But something bothered me and I felt alarm bells going off.  That is when I made a serious mistake.  I didn't heed my intuition and cross to the other side of the street, which is really what I wanted to do.  Why?  Because I thought it might "offend" some guy I didn't even know.

Ladies - this is the first lesson to be learned:  Heed your instincts and your intuition because it may save your life.

As he passed me on my left side, he threw his arm out and wrapped it around my throat, knocking me to the ground.  My airflow was instantly cut off and I was unable to scream.  He dragged me across the street and behind a large apartment building.  The parking area was gravel, and I was dragged through the rocks cutting my legs and arms.

By the time he got me behind the building, I was almost at the point of passing out from lack of air.  Somehow, he stood me up and keeping the pressure on my neck from behind, proceeded to suggest all sorts of fun things he was going to do, up to and including rape.

My windpipe was so bruised by this time I could barely speak let alone scream, so I did the thing any good Italian woman is capable of doing.  I started to talk (as best I could).  And I talked and I talked and I talked until I'm sure this guy thought, "Holy crap, of all the women I could have picked, why did I end up with this motor mouth."  I had a good answer for every suggestion of his, and told him if he let me go I wouldn't call the police - blah, blah, blah.

At that point, I was certain he probably had a knife and at any moment, he was going to jam it into my side.  I didn't see a knife, but, listen carefully, I didn't know if he was armed. 

After about thirty minutes he agreed to let me go.  As I ran, with my back to him, I was pretty sure at any moment I would feel a bullet strike me.  Surely , this mook wasn't going to just let me go?  He did, and I lived to tell the tale.

Lesson two:  If I had been armed,  I would not have hesitated one nano-second to have used it.  I would have shot to kill because I didn't know if he was armed, and that should be your response in such a situation.

So when George Zimmerman says, "I didn't know if he was armed", I'm going to believe him, because I was in a similar situation and "I didn't know if he was armed."


The Blaze:     ‘Let’s Kill That MF’: Read the Shocking Tweets Calling for Violence After Zimmerman Posts $150,000 Bail

Sunday, April 22, 2012

It's Sunday...

what's going on - the Mia Love edition: 

 Michelle Malkin: Another “novelty” swipe at a conservative Tea Party woman

The Other McCain:   Racist, Sexist Republicans Nominate Mia Love In Double-Negative Ritual

iOwnTheWorld:   Mia B. Love wins Republican nomination in UT04

Perfect for Sunday:

Woodsterman brings us some brilliance

I'm out of here.  The sun is shining and we have things to do.  I'm attempting to spend why less time online. (I know - good luck with that)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

If I wanted America to fail...


H/T iOwnTheWorld

An important message from MOTUS...

about Minot, ND

I'd post the video here except (out of the goodness of my heart) I've joined in to make her wish of hitting 3 million hits by election day a reality.  I'm so nice.

Now head over, spike her stats, and find out how you can help. 

  And what the hell is this awful thing Blogger has done to it's posting format?  Half the time when you try to put your tags in the whole screen shifts to the left and I have to save, close, and reopen to get it back where it belongs.  And that's just the beginning of my complaints.  Why are they fixing something that wasn't broken?  I keep reminding myself it's free and you get what you pay for.  Sigh... 

The ultimate two-exercise workout to burn flab faster...

using a kettlebell?

From Men's Health:
A couple of month's ago, I asked Alwyn Cosgrove, C.S.C.S.—one of the world's top trainers—to create a cutting-edge fat loss program for Men's Health. And, of course, he obliged. But a curious thing: One of the workouts in the plan featured just two exercises.

That's right: When asked to create a super-effective, calorie-torching routine, Cosgrove gave us a workout that had readers do only a dumbbell swing and a squat thrust. This confused some folks, who wondered, "How can you lose fat with just two exercises?"  read the rest

The Band

Levon Helm
May 26, 1940 – April 19, 2012

Obama: Regulatory Thuggery...

against the American people.

Debacle: How Obama Incentivized Sloth & Created the Weakest Recovery

Friday, April 20, 2012

My Friday night off...

hubby is gone.

 I will start the evening with a mocktail (or two.)  I think tonight it will be V8 with stalks of celery, lots of fresh lime, splashes of Tabasco, and sprigs of fresh basil.

Then I will paint my toenails bright pink.

While they are drying I will eat my dinner.

Usually I'm a purist when it comes to nachos (just sharp cheddar and loads of jalapenos), but tonight I will add fresh tomato, olives, and sour cream with a side of salsa.

I'll be reading this while I eat.  At the rate I'm keeping up with my book reviews, poor Bart DePalma will have died of old age before I do my review of his book.  In the meantime, Ted Lacksonen (The Country Thinker), has done a very interesting review of the book. 

and for dessert?

Altogether, a lovely, lovely evening.

Sadly, I have to agree with this assessment of the latest from the USCCB...

because they haven't figured out that you can't have it both ways.

While I think our bishops are moving in the right direction, they still have a ways to go.

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Spending Cuts

House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) are pushing back against criticism from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops over the GOP’s proposed cuts to domestic spending programs. They should.  read the rest

All human life has dignity...

which is something the left doesn't get.

To quote one my favorite fictional detectives, Los Angeles Homicide Detective Hieronymus "Harry" Bosch:

"Everybody Counts; or Nobody Counts"

From: Reflections of a Paralytic, the lovely and talented Chell

latimer2.jpgIn 1993, Robert Latimer murdered his 12-year old disabled daughter, gassing her to death with fumes from his truck. He was convicted of second degree murder with a mandatory sentence of life in prison with no chance of parole for at least 10 years. For nearly two decades, Robert has received widespread sympathy and support from the Canadian public as a loving father who finally put an end to his poor, suffering daughter’s misery. But, whose misery was he trying to end, really?  read the rest

Bill Whittle: Talks about the disconnected generation...

who are also not very well educated. 

Something pretty...

for Friday.

Click to enlarge

CNN's Soledad O'Brien Bristles At Truth, Tries To Ruffle Allen West's Feathers...

fails miserably.


Everything I needed to know about running a business...

I learned when I was eighteen.

A very successful business man said to me:
"You have money coming in and money going out. What's coming in better be more than what's going out.  Simple."

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The intellectually challenged left is racist to the core...

because only a racist could possibly come to the conclusion they did about Romney's sign.

Are these people completely unhinged?

Mitt Romney’s ‘Obama Isn’t Working’ Banner Evokes Racial Stereotypes

And why does it evoke racial stereotypes?   Because it says,  "OBAMA ISN'T WORKING!!!   And we all know that's a clear jab at the stereotype of black people not working - or something.

Seriously, go read the article.  In a gazillion years I would have never made such a connection.  Why do they?

Expect this nonsense to get much worse...

And while I'm riled up allow me to say this to Romney:

QUIT SAYING "OBAMA IS A NICE GUY"  NO, HE'S NOT!  (sorry for shouting)

The Buffett Rule: The real war is on "rich" people...

and it's not going to end any time soon.

The other day on the radio, Dave Ramsey proceeded to gut the irresponsible Buffett rule and deconstruct the massive lies being told by this administration.  He requested that only callers who thought that the rich were not paying their fair share or who thought they should pay more to call in. 

What followed was some of the most bizarre, illogical, and just plain hateful calls I think I have ever heard.  Through it all, Dave remained calm and easily debunked all the felicitous claims being made.  No doubt the majority of the callers were part of the 47% who pay no federal taxes at all.

 The bottom line here is this:  if you take away every cent the so-called rich have, it isn't going to change anyone's life one iota.  I'm not suddenly going to acquire a larger house, a yacht, or a Porsche because I confiscated your money.   And that, dear readers, is the basis for socialism.  I think I don't have enough, so I'm going to take away yours so that we may both be equally miserable. 

Which brings me to another point.  Let's talk about property taxes.  I bumped into a real estate listing for a house on Lake of the Isles Blvd. in Minneapolis.  The yearly taxes were 75K.  Yep, you read that right.  So a person who works hard and buys a big fancy house is further penalized by a tax system that says he has to pay according to the "value" of his house.   Since property taxes are the major funding for our failing public schools, are we to assume that this guy has a couple hundred kids in the local school?  Of course not.  But the whiners of this world, who decry the rich not paying their fair share, are overlooking the other ways the rich get hammered.

This whole "attack the rich" thing going on is nothing more than old-fashioned envy and greed which are a couple of the nastiest faults a person can harbor.

Dave has posted the entire show on his website.  It's split up into a number of segments and you can play it in the background while you work. 


Country Thinker does a great job of dismantling the Buffet rule and predicts:
But don’t expect the Buf­fett Rule to go away any time soon, because Obama is mak­ing it a cen­ter­piece of his House-​​divided class war­fare reelec­tion cam­paign. And like many of his pol­icy posi­tions, he is defend­ing the Buf­fett Rule with untruths, mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tions, and a whole lot of mis­guided eco­nomic thinking.
Read it all:

Obama and the Silly Buffett Rule


It's Thursday...

what's going on.

Investors Business Daily:    10 Things You Need To Know About Obama's Second Term

Blowing San: That jackboot will land on our faces any day now

Ed Lasky:  Why Obama Lies

Conservatives on Fire:   It’s Simple! Leave the Economy Alone! 

Maggie's Notebook:   A Great Show Of Strength And Courage

Camp of the Saints:   Picking A Battle Plan for OPERATION: TERRIBLE SWIFT SWORD

Woodsterman:   Photo Opportunity . . . Smile!

The Art of Manliness:   Your Guide to the Perfect Business Lunch


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dick Clark and dancing with the refrigerator...

every afternoon.

Every day when I got home from school I watched American Bandstand.  This was in the 1950's, way before the time of most of my readers.  My good friend Terry, who blogs at Abbey Roads,  reminded me of  Justine Carrelli and Bob Clayton, two of the most popular dancers on American Bandstand during the 1950's.

I wanted to dance just like Justine. I wanted to be just like Justine.  Problem was - I had no one to dance with, so I danced with the refrigerator.  I tied a scarf to the handle of the refrigerator and it became my dance partner.   Day after day I danced with the refrigerator.  In my twenties I became a professional ballroom dancer.  I never thanked our refrigerator.  Let me publicly and with great humility say that without that dang refrigerator my dance career would have never happened.

Justine and Bob

Justine and Bob in 2007

They still have the moves...

The 50's

And, yes - I had a poodle skirt

Secret Service Punished, Hillary Clinton Praised....

Bob speaks up.

Headline of the Day...

some things you just can't make up.

Obama Once Needed "to Take a Subway or a Bus Just to Find a Fresh Piece of Fruit"

Well, okay then...



Dick Clark...

you and American Bandstand were an important part of my early years.


This whole "Obama eating dog" thingy has made my day,...

week, and month!

Many thanks to iOwnTheWorld

MOTUS hits it out of the park...

and shines the real light on Obama, the "light bringer." 

Out of Darkness: Hot Dogs!

A must-read to brighten you day!

Rob Janicki puts the price of oil in perspective...

and we thank him.

President Ignorant Takes On The Oil Market

President Obama, in desperation to appear that he is doing something for consumers, is seeking a crack down on oil speculators.  Obama and Democrats want people to believe that speculators are driving up the cost of gasoline at the pump by bidding up crude oil on the world market.  The world market.  Think about it for a moment.  Just how does Obama plan to regulate a world market?  Read the rest

Ann Barnhardt on the Secret Service...

well said, Ann.
I guess we now know why the Secret Service hasn't done anything about the usurper non-American Obama. They're all a bunch of moral degenerates without any honor or integrity. This culture has been duped by the Marxist cultural and media infiltration into believing that a person's sexual conduct doesn't matter. Well, it does. It is reported today that the unofficial motto among married Secret Service agents is "Wheels up, rings off." If a man will stab his own wife in the back and just can't wait to screw hookers, why would you expect any level of integrity in any other facet of his life? Would you honestly expect such a man or men to lay down their careers in service to the Constitution? SEX MATTERS. In fact, it is one of the single most telling aspects of a person's soul. Good people are chaste. That means that people who are not married don't have sex. People who are married only have sex with their spouse. EVER. That is chastity. Wail and moan all you want, but you know I'm right. Deal with it. If you find yourself making any excuses or arguments for anything less than the definition of chastity that I just laid out, then you are, yourself, in the depths of your very soul, under the demonic grip of the Marxist infiltration of our society. In other words, you're a good little Commie stooge. source

Was there coke in the room?  

To be fair and to keep things in perspective:
The Secret Service employs approximately 3,200 special agents, 1,300 Uniformed Division officers, and more than 2,000 other technical, professional and administrative support personnel.  source
 I think what is so disturbing to most people is the agents in Colombia were charged with one of the most important jobs they preform, advance detail for keeping the president safe, not to mention the world-wide embarrassment.

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