Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sherry Antonetti: Why I will vote for Romney...

well said, Sherry.

Why I Will Vote for Romney

Because of Obamacare. That’s it. That’s all.  Everything else, I can deal with, but the HHS mandate is the straw. It is what made me from a person who follows politics and cares, into an irritated voter. This Tea Partier who up until now felt a bit timid about calling herself as such, is mad.

I am a mother of ten children. I have a master’s in special education. I have worked, loved, thought, read and managed to live these past 46 years without needing Think Progress or any other group to tell me how to think or speak for me. I have read enough of the Health Care law and the subsequent policy fig leaf accommodations to know that I object to this law. It is bad policy.

I am not a puppet of the GOP.  I am tired of being dismissed because the media disagrees with my opinion.  I am Catholic and I am American. Those are my bonifieds for objecting to this law.
This law does not allow me to be either Catholic or American, since I cannot obey and be in good conscience with my Faith, and I cannot be proud of my civil obligations when they trample on my right to practice my religion and turn my country’s proud heritage of cherishing civil liberties and the freedom of religion from interference by the state, into a tolerance by the state of my religion’s proclivities. That tolerance is limited and it keeps shrinking. I do not trust the state to protect my right to be Catholic if it is telling me the extent to which I may practice my faith in my life as it pertains to my earning a living.  read the rest

 Sherry also blogs at Chocolate for Your Brian

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