Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Your tax dollars at work...

creating jobs or pumping up the salaries of the Minnesota State Troopers with overtime? 

via White House Dossier
who in turn thanks our very own Granny Jan and Jihad Kitty for finding this. 

I'm waiting for the day someone tells that arrogant fool to keep his hands off of them. Watch how he demeans this woman and attempts to show power by repeatably touching her.  He certainly isn't "anchoring" since there is nothing positive being said.  Is this some form of reverse anchoring or just poor upbringing?  Silly question. 


Priscilla said...

I'd like to see him try to touch ME! It wouldn't be as much fun as if ol'Bubba would try. Shouting Rape! would be as creditable - but fun nonetheless.

A Pissed Off Irishman said...

Thank you, I am honored.

Adrienne said...

Priscilla - I have a particular aversion to people touching me. I would knock him all the way to Sunday if he did that to me.

Adrienne said...

Irish - don't be. I'm just a big nobody who happens to like the Irish...

I have no idea of what's up with the "follower" thingy. It comes and goes...

I usually don't follow people as I use my Google Reader for blogs.m Do you have a Reader set up? It's a huge time saver.