Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fuzzy Fisks Romney...

and we thank her.

Think Romney is our great best hope?  You may not want to read what Fuzzy Slippers has to say about him (all of which I agree with 100%.)

My favorite quote? 
I don't like Mitt Romney.  I think he's a smarmy, slimy, flip-flopping, which way's the wind blowing opportunist.
That pretty well sums my thinking, too.

Fuzzy put together a fact-filled and wonderfully written (I'm jealous of her fine writing skills) article that should be read by anyone contemplating Mitt Romney for anything other than dog-catcher. 

Romeny:  I'm As Conservative as the Constitution and As Progressive as Lincoln

I'm working on a longer piece and so may not be around for a few hours.  Play nice while I'm gone and keep the sand in the sand box...


Reaganite Independent said...

Fully agreed, Flipper is bad news

WomanHonorThyself said...

I will wait for your insight on this one girl! happy mid week my friend~!:)

Fuzzy Slippers said...

Aw, thanks muchly, Adrienne! :) You rock. And Romney is a disaster and would be a disaster even as dog-catcher (heh, loved that!).

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Fuzzy Girl is spot on, huh.