Friday, October 8, 2010

Breaking: Daily Kos has decided to throw it's considerable influence behind the Tea Party movement...

Well not exactly...

Instead, they're planning a grassroots smear campaign to "get as many undecided voters as possible to read the most damaging news article about the Republican candidate for Congress in their district" by posting as many links as possible to the aforementioned damaging articles.  Oh yes - you are urged to sign up with The Daily Kos to participate.  Hmmmm - would this have anything to do with enlarging their subscriptions?   (No link to the Daily Kos on purpose)

This comes as no surprise after reading what Stacy McCain posted on the video documenting the role of activists apparently organized by Neal Rauhauser with ties to The Daily Kos This material is vile but needs to be seen.  Know thy enemy is a wise saying and the enemy is a Godless, vile group of people.

None of this surprises me.  The Marxist lefties of this country are unable to defend their position with even the tiniest modicum of intelligence and so must resort to boorish childish name calling. Keep it classy, lefties!

This Isn't About Obama

Mind-Numbed Robot has been working hard to bring us important information about who the enemy is on the state level with his new page The Socia-list.   And he has become perturbed because people don't seem all that interested.  And he has a right to be perturbed.  

 The majority of the people of this country are so used to constant diversion and entertainment that any post title that doesn't startle them out of their lethargy is passed over for something way more interesting.  All this focus on Obama, who is nothing more than an empty-suited sock-puppet, is diverting us from the real culprits.  We are over saturated with minutiae that means nothing.

The Robot explains the list:
Why the list?
Because, you need to know who your friends are in government. Likewise, your foes.
These names are taken directly from the Progressive States Network website and are noted as having signed the PSN HealthCare letter supporting ObamaCare.
As such, it is my never so humble opinion that these individuals have no clue as to the limits the Constitution of the United States places on the Federal government and should either reconsider their stance on this issue or lose their office.
ObamaCare is unconstitutional, socialistic and furthers the implementation of and forces a soft tyranny on every American citizen with its overreaching federal intrusion into our lives.
Vote these people out of office. Support their Republican opponents, if available.

Well said, Robot!

Hey, how about more government control?  

If you like your tax preparer, you can keep your tax preparer.  Well, maybe not.  We heard of this possible scenario from our tax preparer last year.  Government licensing is one of the biggest scams perpetrated on the American public. It's nothing more than legalized stealing.  Ask anyone who has ever had a bad haircut how well that occupational licensing worked for them. 

In case you missed it:

Political Junkie Mom:  Song of the day, for my daughter: “Dear Abby, I’ve got a question for you”
   The Chicken Coop:  What I Should Have Said
No Sheeples Here: Obama’s “Hope-A-Dope” Nation

Pundette:   Steyn on the temperament of the people

Fuzzy Logic:  America: To Be or Not to Be?
Bob Belvedere over at Camp of the Saints reminds us:   ‘Optimism Is Fine Right Now, But Not Euphoria’
The Reaganite Republican says America Will Survive the Obama Debacle... But Will the Democratic Party?


And About Emails:

 Since Frontier took over from Verizon, my email accounts have been totally whacked.  After great assistance from my email provider, I am able to send emails from my private account.  However, there were some emails still dumping into Frontier and not being forwarded to my "real" account.  So - if you received no answer or a weird answer with an old date, or any of the other myriad of things that have been going wrong, it's Bush's Frontiers fault. 

There's much more but I'm still dealing with the left-over flu syndrome thingie and must go rest.  Last evening I managed to slither down to the library and grabbed a few more books (can't have too many books) and am headed to the couch to peruse the printed word.  

Hubby is also on the upward path to wellness and we are not longer a "two-bucket family." 



MightyMom said...

You're right we don't need govt licenses. After all who cares if the person taking care of you is a licensed nurse or not? And A license to practice medicine is just useless and anyone can rewire your house no need to search out a licensed electrician oh yeah those guys riding in the ambulances shouldn't need to hold a license nor should the fire marshal.....nope no need to try and have a standard of practice to help protect the public from a person who claims to be able to do something they have no knowledge or training in. No Reason At All.

Adrienne said...

MM - the key word here is government

While certain professions need a sort of vetting process it should not be the government in control. They extort money year after year from people to pay for bloated bureaucracies that, in most cases, do nothing to protect the public.

MightyMom said...

Who do you think cashes my bi-annual check to renew said license?? That license only being valid within the borders of The Great State of Texas? And the laws of which say I cannot be employed in my job without it. Look I'm all for small govt. I just think that some govt laws and regulations are actually helpful in protecting the public at large. You wanna gripe about a regular govt ripoff no one seems to notice let's discuss the anual increase in the paper tax (ie stamps) that while law decrees the price go up, it doesn't say WHY or WHAT the money's used for.

Charlene said...

While it is reasonable that we citizens get involved in cutting waste in government, I can't see how allowing me to drive my car without a license would be a good idea. I took driver's ed in the summer between my sophomore and junior high years from the public school system, took a driving test and got my first license. I periodically take vision and driving rule tests and renew my license. When I cannot see the road, I won't get a license which is a good thing.

I prefer my doctor and nurses be licensed by the government than by a group of their friends.

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard of the socia-list and have the tab open. Now if only I can make it through all my tabs today...

Glad your husband is on the mend.

And thanks for the link ; )

Bob Belvedere said...

Glad to hear that both of you are on the mend. Books are a great comfort for some many of the tribulations in life.

Thank you for the link love.

robot said...

Hey Adrienne, Thanks for the link and for spreading the word!