Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The reports of my death due to an over-zealous dental hygienist are highly over-rated...

However, death due to boring blogs is quite a possibility.  I lost it with the never ending reportage of racism against Shirley Sherrod and her, possibly even more racist, husband.  Shirley and her husband can be as racist as they want.  It doesn't change my life one tiny bit.  I find pulling weeds in my garden, reading, and cooking fantastic meals to be way more interesting.

I'm more concerned with our country which is circling the drain at a rate that would be the envy of Niagara Falls.

Please explain to me why we have elected officials being paid a salary (not to mention free health care, future pensions, and all the other perks of office),  to actually sit around some room and discuss H.R. 5741, a bill requiring two years mandatory service for all people between the ages of 18 and 42.  Who introduced this?  Why, it was that bastion of moral integrity, Charlie Rangel, who is presently defending himself against charges of ethics violations, which, I might add, are "confidential" and - he will no doubt plea-bargain his way out of whatever it was he did that the people who pay his salary have no right to know. 

Or how about the government "losing" over 8 billion dollars of our dollars?  

Doesn't the fact that 45.7% of the people, according to the averages of all the polls posted at Real Clear Politics,  approve of the job Obama is doing "worry" you?  It worries me a lot!

How about  Eastern Michigan University Student Told To Endorse Being Gay Or Leave Program Loses Appeal  as reported by the Blog Prof.

Or listen to what the DaTechGuy, a resident of Massachusetts, has to say about being thrown under the bus  in "Massachusetts disenfranchises their voters."

Meantime, wacko union members from L.A. are busing to Phoenix to protest on behalf of people who are breaking the law to prevent them from being prosecuted for breaking the law, all of which will probably start a  huge riot. Glad I don't live there anymore!  Sure hope it doesn't interfere with the vacations Obama and his wife have planned. 

Ooops, too late:    Judge Blocks Parts of Arizona Immigration Law
Immigrants are not required to carry papers according to the judge.  Huh?   I thought that according to Federal law, it was required that permanent resident aliens had to carry their green card with them at all times.

I still predict a riot...

Maggie reminds us the "big news this morning that the financial reform bill exempts the SEC from transparency. Perhaps even bigger news is that the corrupt DOJ is also exempt." 

Others (by no means all) who "get it":

Carol's Closet:  Time to Sober Up
The Camp of the Saints:   The Spot-On Quote Of The Week… [Updated Below]
Caught Him With a Corndog:  Choosing a Lie Over Truth
The Plantation Nation:  Listen Carefully. This Is NOT About Politics…

Also, from my friend Mark over at Ordered Liberty:   The link between the Tea Party movement and the Reagan Democrats
Mark has been suffering a bit of a health crisis (way worse than my trips to the dentist!) and I'm so glad he is back to blogging.  His posts the past few days have been outstanding.  Pay him a visit and leave a comment because that's what blogging is really all about - supporting each other in times of trial.

Along those lines Pat, at And so it goes in Shreveport, has been working overtime caring for her elderly Mom who suffered a fall.  Pat's Mom might be "elderly" in body, but her mind is sharp as a tack.  Having settled her Mom in a rehab facility (which she will no doubt take over in order to make sure it is run properly), Pat is  headed to Natchitoches for some well-deserved rest.  God bless the Pat's of the world!

LarryD nails it once again:  Heresy, Humor, and St. Augustine

If you're one of the only two or three peeps that hasn't read America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution  by Angelo Codevilla, head over and read it now and make appropriate plans for your future. 

Left Coast Rebel (no link on purpose) is quite excited about being published in the Daily Caller again.  He would like everyone to promote him by way of twitter, their blogs, or what have you.  This would be the same Left Coast Rebel who never, ever links to me, by the way.  Check out his top referrers on the right side of his blog (if you bother to Google it) and you'll see my name in his top referrer column. Now, check the left side of my blog and you'll see LCR linked.

Mr. Rebel has forgotten that when he was a newbie, I promoted him endlessly.  He in turn, has never even given me a link on his blogroll.   It is indeed sad to see what appeared to be a nice young man become so full of himself to the point of bragging.  

Ten Buck Friday Poll: July 25-30

As usual, the hardworking RightKlik has all the pertinent information - and we thank him!

 Thank goodness for Reaganite Republican bringing us:
Hump-Day Humor for Reactionaries

I've already been on this computer way too long.  I'm going to mow the lawn 'cause tomorrow I'm headed back to the dentist for a complete exam.  
The dentist will probably recommend a certain pesky tooth be removed (which beats having a leg chopped off, I guess) Arrrgh!

While trying to wind this up, my hubby brought me a bottle labeled "Fixing Unit Cleaning Oil" and asked if I wanted it.  "Uh, no dear - my unit is just fine, thank you very much." 


  1. Thank you Adrienne for all the links.

    I link to you often, but everyone who stops by has already heard of you.

    God Bless you Honey, I hope you're all better!

  2. Glad to hear you are ok and back to blogging! And thanks for the link and the kind words. I appreciate them. Prayers are appreciated too!

  3. Thank you for the link, Duchess. Sorry about your tooth troubles. No fun dat.

    I, too, grow weary of all this political junk. One thing it's doing is helping me keep proper perspective on the things of heaven.

    God bless you in Idaho.

  4. -Thanks for the link, Adrienne.

    -As someone who has trouble with my teeth my whole life, I empathize. Good luck.

    -When I get down about the state of things, when I'm in the depths of my black dog, I like to remember the old words of wisdom: 'This too shall pass' and 'We shall overcome, some day'.

  5. If you missed Hannnity tonight, you missed a good one ... you still have time for Greta!!!

    Blessings, and I am SO GLAD to see you back and in FINE FORM, my dear!

    Abbey ♥

  6. Lola - I appreciate every last little link and I really appreciate you...

  7. Mark - prayers are really all we have to offer.

    My problems are piddling compared to yours...

  8. Larry - you are one of my most important stops every day (along with Terry) You guys keep my head screwed on somewhat straight.

  9. Bob - I am the proud owner of a 50K thousand dollar mouth. Seriously!!

    If they recommend extraction tomorrow, I'll be requesting a month delay and a HUGE scrip for Valium. Really!

  10. Abbey - we miss all that stuff 'cause we haven't had cable in about 20 years.
