Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bob Belvedere gets it so right again - and we thank him!

He also garners the quote of the day:

"For too long people in this country have refused to see what is right before their eyes: Stealth Socialism has been invading the body politic and body cultural in America for well over a century, spreading its vile cancer as it marches through all of our institutions and our brains."

Take time to read "If The Socialism Fits"


  1. Great quote! The fact of the matter is that we've been on the path to where we are for quite a while, and both parties have contributed to the mess we are in, going all the way back to the Progressive Era. That's when the seeds of the current debacle were really set down...

  2. Thank you, Mark. You're quite right that it does go back that far.

  3. Bob - you're welcome - you earned it...

  4. Mark - I really think it goes back to the Garden of Eden
