Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mary and Martha. What God Really Wants...

Today's Gospel reading is one of my favorites (Luke 10:38-42) has Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus while Martha bustles about the kitchen.

If you're hoping for some deep examination of the scripture, you'll have to go elsewhere.  I think the whole thing is pretty simple, but oh so hard to do.  I am Martha and would have wanted to rip off Mary's head.

And, guess what?  Guys are not exempt from the Mary/Martha syndrome.

Christ in the house of Mary and Martha
Johannes Vermeer


  1. I discovered long ago I'm a Martha. I like doing things, and when I try to meditate I fall asleep, sometimes even at Adoration.

  2. I spent some time at Adoration on Friday night thinking about this. It's not often that I am Mary.

  3. I wish they had gone beyond what Jesus said and how Martha reacted. Did she sheepishly say she was sorry and give Mary a hug or did she dump the bowl over Jesus' head and tell Mary to clean it up? My guess is it's the first choice...but ya never know. ;-)

  4. I'm definitely a Martha....I've often wondered, did Jesus react to Martha because, essentially, Martha was judging Mary and trying to get Jesus on her side, or was it because she was getting anxious and overly concerned with relatively trivial matters? Or both?

    Fantastic painting, by the way -- Vermeer is one of my favorite artists.

  5. Bravo. I've said for years that Martha gets the short end of the stick and have wondered if the Good Lord went on to ask for a refill of his wine after chewing her out.

    Having been to a few AA meetings I'll observe that any serenity goes rocketing out the tubes if the coffee runs out. Martha fills a real need in this world.

    Don't even get me started on the Prodigal Son's older sibling getting shortchanged.

  6. I know my husband wishes I was more like Martha, but I think I'm more of a "Mary," lol!

    Whenever I read that portion of the Gospel, I understood Martha's situation but then would think, 'It isn't everyday you have the Son of God in your living room. Why not sit and listen to Him a bit?" (I'm being a little tongue-in-cheek, here...) I know food won't get to the table on its own. But from having parties myself, I know how hard it can be to relax and enjoy your guests. It's an ongoing struggle for many of us. :-)

  7. Martha also got left out of the loop when Christ raised Lazarus.

    Martha's response to Christ tarrying was "He lies dead in his grave for four days, and he stinketh!"

    Mary, because she repented and loved Christ as her Savior, was rewarded with being the first person called by name to come before the Blessed Sacrament: “Magister adest, et te vocat te” “The Master is here, and He calls you”.

    Martha would not let Christ’s teachings get in the way of her duties. It was either her duties or Christ. Not both.

    It is the mistake of many women. They believe they have to be at the Church all the time, and shortchange their duties to their husbands.

    They wind up short changing both Christ and their husbands.


  8. I'm a Mary. If you come visit me you'd better let me know you're thirsty cause I'll just keep visiting!! Subvet's a Martha, you won't get any conversation outta him, but he won't let you leave hungry either!! We make a good team.
