Saturday, July 17, 2010

I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won!!! And so did Red. We Got Something Shiny

Entered a little contest at Mind-Numbed Robot, who has posted two of the most wonderful and entertaining linky-love posts, ever!  They are both works of art and deserve your attention (links at end of post.)

  However, it does bring to the forefront  the possibility that Robo needs a bit of a hobby - or maybe a few gaskets or pistons to hang out with.  If I suggested he needs to "get a life" it would seem just too, too Frankensteinian, or something.

Anyhoo - I demanded something shiny as a prize and Robo has come through with a shared prize for Red at Caught Him With a Corndog, and moi (even though he said prizes are generally not handed out and accused me of screaming for a prize which I'll forgive him for because what I really did was whine and he should know the difference between a scream and a whine meaning maybe he needs his carburetor cleaned or crankshaft oiled, or something.)    Why shared?  Well, Red jumped in, stole my answer, admitted freely to cheating (doncha just love that?), and so I decided as #1 winner we should each get a shiny prize.  It was the devout Catholic sort of thing to do.  The Pope is proud!

Why shiny?  All adult sufferers of ADD love shiny objects.  Also, strings, feathers, and tiny wandering insects.  I'm the ADD'er, not Red, who last I heard completed tasks in an orderly fashion, unlike moi who flits from thing to thing and once in awhile actually completes something - quite by accident, I'm sure.   Robo couldn't find a shiny insect, so instead we received this marvelous example of magical shiny jewelry - and we thank him.   Red and I are working out the custody arrangement right now.

The Robo-Bling  

Bringing innovation and talent to the blogosphere:

Robo-Love Experiment #1

Robo-Love Experiment #2


  1. LOL I freely admit, you didn't SCREAM for anything. I used some poetic license there. Sue me. It just didn't look right saying something like "since you italicized for it". That would be a little too geeky, even for me.
    And BTW, I actually had a date tonight. With a pretty shiny, conservative, robo-girl so, I am TRYING to get a life. ;-)

  2. Congratulations! And I'm glad you pointed out the difference between screaming and whining. Whining is something that takes a lot of talent and effort whereas screaming is just noise. There's an art to the successful whine and it's obvious that you have perfected it in order to get this wonderful prize!

    I LOVE shiny red things...especially when they are ruby's. That may not mean I had ADD, but more likely I'm greedy. :-)
