From Mr. Ferrara:
Months ago, I predicted in this column that President Obama would so discredit himself in office that he wouldn't even be on the ballot in 2012, let alone have a prayer of being re-elected. Like President Johnson in 1968, who had won a much bigger victory four years previously than Obama did in 2008, President Obama will be so politically defunct by 2012 that he won't even try to run for re-election.
I am now ready to predict that President Obama will not even make it that far. I predict that he will resign in discredited disgrace before the fall of 2012. Like my previous prediction, that is based not just on where we are now, but where we are going under his misleadership.
While the article is excellent and well worth a read, his prediction would have some merit if we were dealing with a normal person. But, Obama is a far cry from a "normal" person. This is a man so steeped in narcissism that to publicly admit he had done anything wrong would be anathema to his nature.
I predicted this entire oil spill would be a convenient way for Obama to push for cap and trade, and to further his agenda on controlling even more of the US economy.
To quote Mr. Ferrara:
Take a few moments and read the entire article.Moreover, President Obama has already begun to use the crisis to renew his political push for federal cap and tax legislation that will cripple the economy with arbitrary, unnecessary, soaring, energy cost increases. Does he plan to hold any future drilling hostage to passage of this legislation?
Agreed. If Obama resigns (which he won't) it will mean that Biden takes over. We go from narcissistic "leadership" to clueless "leadership". I'm hoping that enough Republicans like Allen West get elected and maybe they can change things. Maybe.
ReplyDeleteI think he might, just might not run for re-election. I vaugely remember him saying something about preferring to be a one-termer over an mediocre 2 termer.
ReplyDeleteHe'll make much more money on the 'speakers circuit' vs sitting in the White House. Plus he'll get all sorts of Adulation and Adoration. Not all this pesky questioning and non-cooperative crises.