Friday, June 4, 2010

How's Your Math? Are the Oil Plumes as Big as Reported?

Cruising around the internet today brought me to this article on Alex Jones' InfoWars   LOST at Sea: Enormous Exaggeration of Oil Plume Set to Enrich World Bankers  by Michael Wayne.

I've never listened to Alex Jones, and to put it mildly, perusing his website is a bit of an "adventure".   As for Michael Wayne, the author of the article, I'm unable to find any information about his credentials.

One of the points Mr Wayne brings up in this article concerns the United Nations LOST treaty (Law of the Sea), that went into effect in 1994, and who stands to benefit by the current oil spill.   Although the USA signed the treaty, it has not been ratified.  Whether this changes some of Mr. Wayne's  assertions is best left  to someone with a degree in international law.

Mr Wayne claims:
It is through LOST that all nations will “lose” their sovereignty to a One World Government. LOST is set to become the funding instrument behind the arising New World Order. This recognition brings our attention to a statement recorded in the Bible’s book of Revelation. In this passage a worldwide governmental system is prophetically pictured as a beast “rising out of the sea.” That was written around 90 A.D. And now, some 1900 years after it was written we see the efforts by international banking elites to finance a one world government by collecting carbon taxes through the regulations of a Law of the Sea Treaty. Their government is arising out of the sea.
[...]The environmental cap and trade taxes that are being promoted by the U.N.’s IPCC are taxes on carbon dioxide emissions. The U.N. is pushing for these taxes to be collected by the WB, IMF, and BIS through regulations established under LOST.
I'm not much of a believer in the concept of a "One World Government"  simply because when human nature is factored into the equation, you run into real problems. I don't believe it's possible to have a large number of people act in concert to bring about such a form of government.  Considered in its broadest terms, however, I do think a "New World Order" is entirely possible and is in fact developing right now.  But, as I've said before here and here, it will be vastly different from what the "elites" envision, but not before causing some very real hardships for the people of this country. 

However, the part of the article I found most interesting concerned the report by the National Institute for Undersea Science and Technology about the size of the oil plumes.  Mr. Wayne lays out the math proving that the size of the plumes have been either deliberately lied about or someone's math skills at the Institute are not very good.

There is no doubt this oil spill is very serious.  From the very beginning, however, the response by the current administration has been bizarre.   Ranging from almost completely ignoring what was going on, to finger pointing and blame placing - including former President Bush (?), and still finding time to party down with an aging rock star, Obama has at best appeared to be sleep walking.

The MSM has been complicit with this administration in "never letting a good crisis go to waste."  And they have certainly stepped up to the plate on this oil spill.   We are greeted daily with agonizingly heartbreaking pictures of suffering wild life while different solutions for containment by the administration are ignored.

I've gone over the figures as presented by Mr. Wayne and they appear to be quite credible.  I suggest you take a look and form your own opinion.  The question we have to ask is, why?  I've been taught to always follow the money trail.  Mr. Wayne has followed one possible money trail.  Is it the right one?


The Blog Prof:   Video: Chronological history of Obama's handing the BP oil spill, Day 1 - 42
(Perhaps we can talk him into applying his engineering skills and knowledge to Mr. Wayne's calculations)
Caught Him With a Corndog:  Obama versus the Oil Spill
Weasel Zippers:  "Furious" Obama Returning to Gulf to Take Command of Oil Spill Fiasco
Pundette:   Mark Steyn told you so

And so it goes in Shreveport:  Lack of leadership and a cabinet of fools
WSJ:  What BP Is Doing About the Gulf Gusher
via Memeorandum
Bloomberg: Obama Heads to Gulf as ‘Furor’ Shifts to White House (Update1) 
via Memeorandum

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