Sunday, April 4, 2010

Potluck Bloggers

WordPress Mystery Solved

Adrienne shows up late to the party.  All the chips and dip are gone!  

For some weird reason I have been unable to get on the Potluck Blogger site.  WordPress has some sort of a vendetta out on moi.  So while all the lovely Potluck ladies were scarfing up the chips and dip, I sat alone in my lonely office.  Thanks to mastermind and head Potlucker, Pundette, the mystery has been solved.  Of course, now they expect me to say something halfway intelligent. Oy vey - the pressure...

In the meantime, visit Potluck and all the fine ladies who have stolen all the chips.


  1. Finally!

    We saved you some chocolate chip cookies in the kitchen.

  2. Dear Adrienne,

    I am owner of a site called Useful Info Nation at and a blog at where I sometimes link to articles on your site.

    I admire your contribution to conservative politics as I am conservative. I have a right and left side on my site and my readers can surely tell the difference in the logical way conservatives state their case as opposed to the sometimes tacky but mostly illogical way liberals or progressives do in the articles to which I link. On my blog, I do daily takes on all things news, left, and right.

    Would it be possible for you to add a link to my site from your Links section? I have already exchanged links with a few sites you have listed. If so, I greatly appreciate it. I look forward to reading your daily contributions and I will link directly to you.


    Thomas Bryan
