Sunday, March 21, 2010


I've been live chatting all day and listening to all the dreary hours of the debate.  Allow me at least say this:  what is going on in this country is not over.  This is just the beginning.  I will not stop until the communists in the White House are driven from our shores.

Two posts jumped out as best expressing my chagrin. 

Larry at Acts of the Apostasy:  Strain Forward to What Lies Ahead


Creative Minority Report: Republicans Will Suffer for This

Good night...


  1. Thanks for everything you do in this fight.

  2. Bless you, RK (and Mrs. RK and baby RK)

  3. Grand Duchess - thanks for linking. And God bless you for your tireless work (even though you are tired!)

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  5. I was on a blog yesterday and made a comment to correct someone who said the Catholic Church was supporting this bill and wanted Stupak to stay out of it. I was polite and careful not to bruise any return I was called every name in the book and told to stfu....there's way too much hatred out there and it gets worse every day.
