I have no choice but to start the day with the Ladies Edition of Rule Five Sunday. While the men continue to objectify women, the ladies are doing a bit of objectifying, too.
Check out what Carol, (who lives in a closet or something, which is ok, since I live in a corner,) brings us - oodles of conservative loveliness. And we thank her! Not to be outdone, Agnes, over at Mulieris Dignitatum, has cornered the market on the Irish contingent. Not just once, but twice. And we thank her, too!
Abbey wins the award for my first laugh-out-loud moment today with the Bathtub Test. (and Holy Carp - it's 12:00 noon. Awfully long time to wait for LOL)
Reaganite Republican has his Sunday funnies up. I love the title Reactionary Clingers' Humor...
Obi's Sister is celebrating 4 years of consistently posting quality material to inform, engage, and instruct. Happy blogoversary, Obi!!
Bryn brings us the true meaning of life in one short page. I'm a fan of keeping things simple and she has done a masterful job.
And now, after a short break, the more serious stuff that causes you to sit back and think hmmmmmm.
Stacy McCain asks.‘Does All of This Activism Matter?’ A darn good question that I'm sure most of us ask at one time or another.
And Smitty, Stacy's brilliant co-blogger, is adjusting his rose-colored glasses.
Erick Erickson over at Red State talks about his faith in Landing After Leaping. I have noticed more and more of the high-end conservative bloggers openly talking about their faith and their struggles. It's a very good sign.
Megan Smith over at American Thinker tells us about the Cuba she saw. Not a pretty picture. When I taught ballroom dancing back in the 1970's, many of the teachers were from Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Cuba. None of them wanted to go back. Speaks volumes.
The Blog Prof is at it again compiling reams of information on the subject du jour. Take a gander at what he has to say about Nancy Pelosi's latest stupid statement of the day. Health-Care Reform Will Finally Allow Artists to Focus on Being Comfortably Unemployed
Moonbattery: Fighting the Constitutionality of ObamaCare
My question is: Does the average every day American really even know what is going on?
I must move on starting with making a pot of French Press coffee. Enjoy your Sunday. Pray hard and relax because "all things are possible through God."
Thanks for the link and blogiveryblogburstyiversary (oh whatever) wishes!