"There are very few people who disagree with what Catholics believe, but there are millions who disagree with what they think Catholics believe." Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
If the world were to listen to the likes of "Catholic's in Name Only", such as Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, they would have to come up with a very scary idea of what a real Catholic believes.
These people are going to have a lot to answer for when God asks them how many people they led astray. Leading others to commit sin is a very serious matter. Very serious!
Please pray for them...
From Standing on My Head:
I had never heard of Chick Tracts before! Looking back, however, it may explain an old neighbor I used to have that, after I mentioned my son was to be Baptized in the upcoming week, said that it's too bad he's going to hell anyway because I as having him Baptized into the church of Satan. She also informed me that my entire family would be going to hell because we weren't "Saved". But she said it in the nicest way! :-D I was stunned and didn't know how to respond. Especially in light that this woman was on her third marriage.
ReplyDeleteI had never eard of Thick Tracts either. That is shocking! Apparently, they do not read and follow the same Bible as we (Catholics) do. You know what they say, "Ignorance is Bliss." I very well remember growing up Pentecostal and I thought Catholicism was some voo-doo rituals and the negative rhetoric only served to fuel this girl's curiosity. I've been a convert for 25 years. Amen!
ReplyDeleteSimply true and to the point - great post!