Friday, March 12, 2010

Sarah Palin Causes Heartburn...

Just because I defend Sarah Palin, doesn't necessarily mean I think she should be president.  In fact, I think she is not  ready for that position (but I may be wrong about that.)  What amazes me is the the lefties  hatred of her, and by extension us. Make no mistake about this - the charges they, the media elites, level at Mrs. Palin, are charges being leveled at the majority of the Americans.  That would be you and me.  The "elites" in Washington think we are stupid.  In time they will be proven wrong...

Obama By Proxy by Dr. Zero
What’s your favorite example of mindless, slavering Palin hatred? The following excerpt comes from a review of Big Love, HBO’s lurid soap opera about a polygamist family: read the rest


  1. It's funny how politicians quickly fall out of favor. I can remember how excited I was (and clearly recall the event) when McCain announced to the world his running mate. I thought for sure it was a winning ticket.

    I don't know about you, but I'm more disgusted with Biden than I am with Obama.

  2. Maybe it's time to exile Palin to Canada - so that the rest of us can stop threatening to move there:

    Video link: The Last Straw


  3. Heartburn? $arah causes headaches with that donkey bray voice.

  4. I've always been baffled by the Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome, myself. Considering I'm a former Democrat, now Independent, I find that I can look at politics in a whole new light. Although I was never a big fan of Sarah Palin, I fiercely defended her from the attacks on her children. That sent many of my old Democrat buddies running from me...and banning me from their blogs.

    I think I offended them because I didn't pat them on the back for calling Sarah's infant with Down's Syndrome "a product of fetal alcohol syndrome" (I'm not kidding, one of them actually came to my blog and said that!) To this day, that same group of people...people who I considered "normal" before the Democratic Primary, are STILL putting up photo-shopped pictures of Sarah and spreading lies about her and her family.

    On the other here comes my Independent thinking...I saw the exact same thing coming from right wing Republicans who were equally brutal and hateful in their commentary of Hillary Clinton.

    It's sad to see that politics brings out the worst of us...and that includes me. I'll admit that I have been pretty brutal in my commentary of Obama, although I try to stick to policy and not personal attacks against his family or his looks.

  5. Mary Ellen - yep! I saw it when Reid's wife was in that accident. I saw comments from, I have to assume, righties that were just vile.

    However, overall, the righties tend to not be quite as vile as the lefties. Spend a few minutes over at Democratic Underground. Bizarre...

  6. DEO - you've just proved my point. Thanks!

  7. Tom - they all belong in jail...

  8. Adrienne- I've never heard of the Democratic Underground until this week (not sure where I've been!) but they are part of the Democratic sect that I have absolutely nothing to do with. Most of my friends who didn't vote for Obama but still consider themselves Democrats also stay away from the Democratic Underground crowd, from what I've been told.

    I guess I'm seeing both parties divided with extremes and centrists. I think I'm more of a centrist. There a good people in both parties, but we always hear about the extremists because they make the most noise.

  9. I prefer Huckabee to Palin at this point - but she is my second choice. I also think that she is not ready yet.

    But I would vote for her over President Obama with no reservations.
