Friday, March 12, 2010

Freedom Always Wins? I Don't Think So...

From Red State:

 Constitution Be Damned - ObamaCare Vote Next Week
 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has scheduled a vote next week on a House rule to get ObamaCare passed without one Representative having to vote on the bill.  This may be unconstitutional.  I have to be careful not to say that “Pelosi will schedule a vote on ObamaCare,”  because the plan right now is to pass the Senate version of ObamaCare without a vote in the House.  The procedure is purposefully confusing because liberals in Congress hope the American people don’t figure out this procedural fraud until it is too late.  So much for the Constitution that says that a bill does not become a law until the House and Senate pass identical bills, and then the President signs that legislation.  read the rest
From the combox of Red State:

drbob said: 
they really have no idea of what they are going to responsible for if they jam this through….
It isn’t over by a longshot…don’t give in…we will come out on the right side of this because we are standing for the principles of freedom and freedom always wins….

I really don't want to disabuse drbob of this rather Pollyanna approach to what is going on, but facts don't back up what he is saying.  While he is correct when he says freedom always wins, he misses the bigger picture; heavy burdens will  be foisted on the average everyday person and lives may be lost. 

Call me silly, but I still don't think this present administration will get this monstrosity passed, and if they do it will be tied up in so many court cases it will be years before it sees the light of day.

In the meantime, responsible reform will be on the back burner and people will suffer.

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