Tuesday, March 23, 2010

From Sarah Palin's Facebook Page

Don’t Get Demoralized! Get Organized! Take Back the 20!
With the president signing this unwanted and “transformative” government takeover of our health care system today with promises impossible to keep, let’s not get discouraged. Don’t get demoralized. Get organized!

We’re going to reclaim the power of the people from those who disregarded the will of the people. We’re going to fire them and send them back to the private sector, which has been shrinking thanks to their destructive government-growing policies. Maybe when they join the millions of unemployed, they’ll understand why Americans wanted them to focus on job creation and an invigorated private sector. Come November, we’re going to print pink slips for members of Congress as fast as they’ve been printing money.

We’re paying particular attention to those House members who voted in favor of Obamacare and represent districts that Senator John McCain and I carried during the 2008 election. Three of these House members are retiring – from Arkansas’s 2nd district, Indiana’s 8th district, and Tennessee’s 6th district – but we’ll be working to make sure that those who replace them are Commonsense Conservatives. The others are running for re-election, and we’re going to hold them accountable for this disastrous Obamacare vote. They are: Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-1), Harry E. Mitchell (AZ-5), Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-8), John Salazar (CO-3), Betsy Markey (CO-4). Allen Boyd (FL-2), Suzanne M. Kosmas (FL-24), Baron P. Hill (IN-9), Earl Pomeroy (ND-AL), Charlie Wilson (OH-6), John Boccieri (OH-16), Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-3), Christopher Carney (PA-10), John M. Spratt, Jr. (SC-5), Tom Perriello (VA-5), Alan B. Mollohan (WV-1), and Nick J. Rahall II (WV-3).

We’ll aim for these races and many others. This is just the first salvo in a fight to elect people across the nation who will bring common sense to Washington. Please go to sarahpac.com and join me in the fight.

Stand tall, America. Real change is coming!

- Sarah Palin


  1. Hold these dems accountable even after they get fired from Congress. Don't let these people get fancy patronage jobs in the O admin as rewards for their loyalty!!

    Shine a light on any businesses or corporations that hire these people as highly-paid lobbyists.

    Hound these traitors for the rest of their lives.

  2. "Three of these House members are retiring – from Arkansas’s 2nd district, Indiana’s 8th district, and Tennessee’s 6th district..."

    We will go after these people too

  3. Right now, there's nothing much we can do but watch the fireworks. I heard there are about 7 States that are poised and ready to file their lawsuits on the mandatory purchase of this health care bill. We'll see where that goes.

    For me...as a newly Independent voter, I'm going to vote all the bums out, except for Rep.Dan Lipinski from IL who voted no because he's pro-life and didn't fall for the phony Executive Order scam that Obama pulled. He's from IL and knows you can't trust Obama any further than Obama can drive a golf ball...which isn't too far. :-)

  4. Good list. We can focus on these to start. I'd also like to find a group that's interested in throwing out some of the New York bums.

  5. Great post, Adrienne. I like Sarah Palin. She remains upbeat when the rest of us feel depressed! Luckily, here in Washington state our Attorney General, Rob McKenna is joining the other nine states in contesting the constitutionality of the healthcare bill. Our governor, Ms. Gregoire, is outraged and plans to fight him on this. Stupid governor!

  6. I think the thing that disappoints me the most is that none of this would have been possible without my fellow Roman Catholics. Whether as voters at the polls, or politicians wielding power. Worse yet, the USCCB probably would have joyfully supported this law if it had contained clear language banning federal tax dollars from funding abortions.

    In my life time the Catholic Church has never met a tax and spend welfare bill that it didn't like. Why do they see it as charitable to steal a person's earnings under the threat of violence so that it can be distributed to people who haven't earned it? Where is that in the Gospel? Plus it robs me of the ability and honor of being truly charitable when I can no longer afford to give money to the poor after having more than half my income taken by the government. They want me to tithe 10% to them after they helped the government take the lion's share of my money? What am I supposed to live on?

    It's all just so depressing.

  7. Palin is right! The game is not yet over. We need to move on and combat the destructive plans that supresses the rights and freedom of Americans. I am going to take part in any upheavals against the dems and all others who are responsible for allowing the citizenry to suffer from all these mess. Its quite depressing but we have to stand tall as Sarah asserts!
