Monday, March 22, 2010

The fat lady hasn't sung yet... she's barely started to warble...

I can attest to the fact that this fat lady hasn't sung yet.  Many others agree with me.

From Doug Ross:
Conservative Republicans must have an agenda beyond repeal. I hope I'm not out of line here, but I believe the time for civility is over. It is time for outright political warfare. Democrats have crossed the line.

The targets, in order of highest priority to lowest, are as follows.  read the rest


  1. Conservatives need to hit back hard, and not crumble in the face of Democrat attacks. Civility is important, though. We need to fight not only for the right policies, but for the right tone. Our model, here, should be Ronald Reagan. He fought hard, he didn't take punches, and he was aggressive. But he also was a gentleman and understood the dignity of the office that he sought. Remember, we are conservatives, not ideological fanatics. Fanaticism, as Russell Kirk reminds us, is a substitute for religion. Conservatives, committed to faith and the permanent things, need no such substitute.

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  3. Oh wow...looks like WWIII is about to begin. 8O
