Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Kudos to Pam Geller!

I wake up this morning to see my husband spitting all over his computer screen and excitingly asking if I had seen the Pam Geller (of Atlas Shrugs), Ron Reagan, Stephanie somebody-or-other interview on the Joy Behar show.

"Why, no honey, I just crawled out of bed."  He had wandered, unescorted, over to Pundit and Pundette (these guys are great!) and had just finished watching this aberration we like to call "entertainment" in this country.  His demeanor by this time had devolved into that of a rabid dog who couldn't find a water bowl.

After rapidly swilling down a few cups of coffee, I headed over to P & P to watch the video.  I made it to about seven minutes before joining my husband in searching for water.  I settled for more coffee, and proceeded to watch the whole miserable display of ad hominem attacks against Sarah Palin and it made me ill.

Between Joy Behar,  Ron Reagan (who hides behind the memory of his father like a little girl hiding behind her mommy's  skirt), and this Stephanie person, this is what I heard:

Sarah Palin is:
  1. a hypocrite
  2. disrespectful
  3. a walking talking gaff machine
  4. has no basic principles
  5. a quitter
  6. couldn't even define satire
  7. without a thought in her head
  8. ignorant
  9. knows nothing about foreign policy
  10. oh yes - a quitter!
  11. and more hypocrite...
Somewhere towards the end of all this trash talk, this Stephanie person said something or other about Sarah Palin using a "cootie catcher" for whatever.  I had no idea of what she was saying.

As disturbing as it is to watch, I think Pam Geller did a remarkable job of keeping her cool. Her final shot at the end of the video makes it worth the watch.  And watch you should do.  Knowledge of your enemy is protection against your enemy.  If you don't know how the minds of these people work, or don't work as this interview points up so well, you will be unable to defend your position.

I agree with Pam Geller - the more they throw around insults instead of reasoned arguments, the more f-bombs, retard comments, and  ad hominem attacks they sling about, the more their credibility tanks.  They epitomize everything in our society that has become crude and vulgar.


Smitty over at The Other McCain:  Ron Reagan, Jr Acts Like a Colossal Goon
Jammie Wearing Fool: Palin Derangement Syndrome


Ebeth said...

Adrienne, thanks for this. I personally do not watch Joy and her nonescence....yes, yes, I need to know how the enemy thinks to protect ourselves from the enemy, but she is just plain gaff....a walking gaff machine! she is null and void of brain.

THanks....I keep reading your blog..that's good enough for me!


Mary Ellen said...

I saw that video at McNorman's place (one of my regular bloggers) and I linked to it on my post today. It looked like Pam made Ronnie cry. Of course, the one guy that comes to my blog who is an Obot (but won't admit it) could only do one thing...insult Palin's intelligence because of the crib note thing and then he insulted Pam Gellar because of her breast size. Yup...that's all they got. Idiots.

I'm glad you pointed this video out because I think Pam did a great job!

Anonymous said...

Junior Reagan insisted that because Geller had not known his father, she had no basis to say that Reagan Sr. would like Palin, whereas the fact that he was the son of Ronald Sr meant that he could pronounce with authority on whom his father would or world not like. Although children and spouses may have special insight into their fathers and husbands as people, that does not imply that they know what they would do as professionals. Think about your own situations--does personal knowledge translate into understanding the professional world of people you know very well?

Junior Reagan would be totally ignored by the Left if he had not rejected the political philosophy of his father. And he should be totally ignored by the right because he has rejected the political philosophy of his father.

Adrienne said...

ebeth - it scares me to think we have women in this country that actually watch these shows.

Adrienne said...

Mary Ellen - remarked on Pam's breast size???? How sexist is that?

Adrienne said...

anon- absolutely correct!! We tend to actually not know our parents all that well.

Sitting right next to me is the book "Reagan, A Life in Letters." Maybe Jr. needs to read it so him can have a better grasp of what his father really believed.

IMHO - he would like Sarah Palin and think she had "spunk"

Left Coast Rebel said...

What a great performance by Pamela this was. I weep for the legacy of Reagan displayed in his son.

Adrienne said...

Left Coast - I was thunderstruck at the behavior of people that consider themselves "adults" and dismayed that people watch this trash talking woman and her guests.

Good thing it wasn't me sitting there becuase I would have launched myself across that desk and strangled someone...

Tom said...
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Jennifer N said...

Wow. I couldn't even watch this pile of crap. I can't stand Behar, talk about stupid. Who watches this drivil? And Ron Reagan, WHAT A FRIGGING IDIOT! wow.