Thursday, October 29, 2009

This administration is a disgrace and an insult to all Americans

This is nauseating.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, second right, prays together with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, right, in front of the grave of the Poet Muhammad Iqbal, at the Iqbal Memorial in Lahore, Pakistan, Thursday, Oct. 29, 2009. Clinton is on a three-day state visit to Pakistan. (AP)

H/T Gateway Pundit

While are attention is being diverted by the constant chatter coming out of DC, including a NINETEEN HUNDRED page health care overhaul bill, the Muslims are continuing their takeover.  While the MSM is not glossing over the latest antics of the loony left,  they are largely silent on the Muslims. 

What I find particularly funny is the very people that support them will be the first to get their heads chopped off.  These people are a threat and the sooner the American people drop their phony politically correct stance on "tolerance", the better off we'll be. 


The Blog Prof:  FBI kills leader of radical Muslim Mosque In Dearborn, MI; 8 others in custody after raid
Jihad Watch:  Detroit imam and Misunderstander of Islam called followers to "offensive jihad"

And while our president praises Islam and Hillary prays in their mosque, France is doing it's best to rid its county of Islam.  What's wrong with this picture?

Atlas Shrugged:  Sarkozy Fights the Islamisation  of France


Mary Ellen said...

This comment may put me at odds with you...something I hate to do, but I'll say it anyway. I see nothing wrong with Hillary showing respect by saying a prayer in a Mosque. Not all Islam is radical. Just as I see diplomats from our country who go to the Vatican to have an audience with the Pope, the women dress in black veils and black dresses. I think they also kiss the Pope's ring...but I may be wrong about that. Either way, it's just a sign of respect, nothing more.

Regarding France and their ban on the Burka...that's another thing I'm not comfortable with. What would happen if in the United States and considering the increase in Catholic bashing by the media, Hollywood, etc. ..would it be ok with you if we were banned from wearing a crucifix necklace or visibly showing our rosary beads in public? After Islam being shoved out of France, are the Jews next? There's still a lot of antisemitism in France, so that may be a logical

I can understand removing any Islamic person who has shown signs of radicalism or possible links to terrorism, but not any family who happens to be Islamic. I had a neighbor who just moved recently who practiced Islam...and wore a scarf. She was the sweetest person I've ever met. I always think of that family when I see stuff like this.

I did find it a bit bizarre to hear Sarkozy push for immigrants to speak better French...and we have our President pushing to have U.S. students to learn Spanish as a second language.

Hope this comment doesn't upset you...I just become very uncomfortable when it comes to taking away the freedoms of those who practice a different religion...whether I like the religion or not. You know the old poem;

"In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."

Adrienne said...

Mary Ellen - It would take way more than your comment to upset moi...really!

I have no problem with showing respect that is why I didn't object to her wearing a scarf. Praying is another issue. When we attended synagogue for different events my father always wore a yarmulke. We don't ask non-Catholics to "pray" at the Vatican. And non-Catholics are not required to kiss his ring.

The burka is another story. It poses a security risk to have people covered from head to toe, including their faces. France is awash in terrorist acts. You can carry a lot of explosives under a burka. Scarf? A-ok. Burka? No.

The bottom line with Islam is that it is not just a religion (one that advocates the beheading of infidels), but a political system.

When all the Muslims in this country start loudly denouncing the acts of the radicals, I may change my opinion. Instead they demand footbaths installed in the schools, separate prayer rooms provided, refusal to drive (in their taxis) citizens that may be carrying liquor (Minneapolis - which they lost), and on and on.

Imagine a Catholic demanding a chapel in a public school? Hell, we can't even bring a Bible to most schools.

Subvet said...

The more I learn of the Pedophile Prophet and his followers, the less tolerant of them I am.

It's a mirror image of Christianity, brought about by Satan himself. That statement will earn the label of "kook", but it's what I've come to believe.

No, not all muslims are automatically evil. Nor are all Christians/Catholics automatically good. But the cult of Islam feeds into the evil inherent in human nature.

Thats my opinion and I'm sticking with it. Period.

Mary Ellen said...

Adrienne- All those are valid points regarding the burqa. I would not be opposed to a Muslim wearing a scarf, however, and if I recall--France banned them, also. That can't be any more of a security risk than a Polish woman or a Catholic wearing a Babushka. Or...a Catholic wearing a lace veil to Mass. So, I think there needs to be some give and take on that issue.

Demanding religious things such as foot baths in public schools should be out of the question, I agree with that. If they want, they can do that in a private Muslim school. Just like in the US where prayer is allowed in private schools but not public.

Regarding Catholics praying in other religious buildings...I'm pretty sure we can do that as long as we don't pray to a false God. Although, we can bow our heads in respect during said prayers. Just as a non Christian can attend a Catholic Mass but will not kneel or genuflect during the exposition of the Eucharist.

I guess there's a lot of thin lines when it comes to religious tolerance. Maybe it's the constant Catholic bashing I'm seeing in the U.S. that is a concern to me.

I do agree that the Muslim leaders in the U.S. and around the world should be loudly denouncing the hatred and terrorism that is taking over their religion. They say that it is not a violent religion...then they should be speaking out against the violence.

So...we agree on most of this, it's just a matter of degrees. :-)

Thanks for not being angry. :-) :-)

Tom in Vegas said...

What I find truly nauseating is holy Hilary PRAYING! Can't anyone who has ever heard of her see through this facade???

belinda said...

Did Hillary put this much effort into her pilgrimage in Mexico when she viewed the Our Lady of Guadulpe image?

She's her own worst enemy.

Adrienne said...

Belinda - the same thing flashed into my mind almost immediately. I remember she said something really, really stupid. What she didn't do was pray!!

Joe said...

Why is it wrong for Hillary Clinton to pray before the tomb of a Muslim poet but it is not wrong for Pope JPII to kiss the Koran or Pope Benedict to pray in a mosque? The Roman Catholic Churches teaches, in Vatican II, that Islam is a part of God's plan of salvation and that Muslims worship the same God as Catholics.

Adrienne said...

Joe - I'm not sure why you're here since "the ignorance, fear, and hatred that you see on my blog is having a negative effect on you."

Of course, since I am my blog, it means you called me ignorant, fearful, and full of hate (non of which are true, btw)

So why would I want to have a discussion with a non-Catholic who thinks and says these things about me?

Face it, Joe. You really, really like me and can't face that. The thought is too horrendous...

By the way - I have been unfailingly polite to you...

Joe said...

Adrienne, what I had originally said, I said in anger and I apologize and ask for your forgiveness. But still, Hillary Clinton is not doing anything that isn't condoned by the Catholic Church so I don't see why everyone is upset?

Joe said...

To show I'm not making this stuff up; here are relevant texts from Vatican II:

But the
* plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in
* the first place amongst whom are the Moslems: these profess to hold
* the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one,
* merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day. “


“3. The Church has also a high regard for the Muslims. They worship
* God, who is one, living and subsistent, merciful and almighty, the
* Creator of heaven and earth,[1] who has also spoken to men. They
* strive to submit themselves without reserve to the bidden decrees of
* God, just as Abraham submitted himself to God’s plan, to whose faith
* Muslims eagerly link their own. Although not acknowledging him as God,
* they worship Jesus as a prophet, his virgin Mother they also honor,
* and even at times devoutly invoke. Further, they await the day of
* judgment and the reward of God following the resurrection of the dead.
* For this reason they highly esteem an upright life and worship God,
* especially by way of prayer, alms-deeds and fasting.
* Over the centuries many quarrels and dissensions have arisen between
* Christians and Muslims. The sacred Council now pleads with all to
* forget the past, and urges that a sincere effort be made to achieve
* mutual understanding; for the benefit of all men, let them together
* preserve and promote peace, liberty, social justice and moral values.”