Sunday, July 19, 2009

Be Back Tomorrow

I must finish painting the bathroom before the temperature hits 97. Elle has been picking at her stitches and the doc has put her in a doggie anti-pick collar, which is not a big hit. During the day when I can watch her she doesn't have to wear it but at night it goes on. The result? All last night she managed to slam the rather sharp edges into my tender exposed body parts resulting in neither of us getting much sleep.

We will manage a nap this afternoon while it is hottest outside and then I will duct tape her to the wall and cut the lawn, which is looking more and more like a wheat field.

I will leave you with the saintly quote of the day from Father Anthony Ho and I will do my best to embrace my afflictions.

God bless......

We should offer ourselves and all we have to God, that He may dispose of us according to His holy will, so that we may be ever ready to leave all and embrace the afflictions that come upon us.---ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.


Sarah - Kala said...

When Hols had her hernia and fixing surgery they coned her and she was so pathetic looking. She would put her head down and the cone would get stuck on the floor/ground. And, yes, I remember those times she would bump into us . . . ouch! Hope she gets better soon!!

Mark D. said...

Good luck with the bathroom. And I thought it was only supposed to get up to 90 degrees today thanks to the "cold front" coming in off the coast.

Happy painting!

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Your Elle is just like Ginger, our dachsie. Thankfully no vet problems yet, but her behavior mirrors Elle's exactly, especially when she does not get her own way. Whatever would we do without them?

MightyMom said...

duct taping her to the wall might work....if not you could try a muzzle.

Adrienne said...

Sarah - Yorkies always get their way. Always!

Your right Mark and I was fairly comfortable. Not so much tomorrow but other than some laundry nothing much to do....

Agnes - Elle is a complete money sink hole. She's a very, very, valuable dog....heh

MM - surely you joke? A muzzle on a Yorkie? Riiiiight! The girls at the vets office tried cleaning her face after she got baby food on it. That was big no go. When a Yorkie decides they are not going to do something or have something done to them, it's not going to happen.

Sarah - Kala said...

Adrienne - do you think Yorkies always get their way because of their seducing brown eyes? They're so cute!