Thursday, March 6, 2008

Adrienne's Catholic Corner

  1. Best New Catholic Blog
  2. Best Written Blog

Vatican Pope Benedict announced today that anyone voting for me would earn a plenary indulgence. Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity. Log into Catholic Blog Awards and vote today. Registration is required, but it just takes a moment.

I wish I could tell everyone that it's honor enough to just be nominated, but that would be a lie. For this Italian, winning is everything. You may vote for me in both categories, one category, or no category, but I wouldn't suggest that. Really, I wouldn't.

Please don't make me call my best friend Tony (Soprano) and roust Cousin Vinnie off the couch to get votes. Vinnie hates to disturbed and it makes him very cranky. Weigh this carefully; a plenary indulgence or a visit from Tony. Hmmmmm.........

Caution: Make sure you finish all your voting in one visit. You are only allowed one log in to vote.

Check out the poll on the left. If you would like me to do a series on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics for Everyone from a Catholic Perspective, vote yes. No means no, and "huh" means you have no clue of what I'm talking about.


Tom in Vegas said...

Do you really need anyone to vote for you? Why not just send Tony to talk with the folks who keep track of the votes and announce the winner. I hear he can be very "persuasive."

By the time he's finished not only will you win The Catholic Blog Award but also the Nobel Peace Prize, a Golden Globe, the Kentucky Derby, and The Heisman Trophy. LMAO!

Adrienne said...


That's the funniest thing I've read in weeks!!! Thanks.

As for the rest?? Why the h_ll didn't I think of that? Simple, simple, simple:)

the mother of this lot said...

Congratulations on your nominations. Please remember your friends when you are rich and famous.

uncle jim said...

your humor will out you

you guys need to go on the road

Anonymous said...

I gave up voting for Lent, except for the one where you ask if we'd be interested in your doing a 12-Steps presentation here. We would indeed. Years ago, a parish priest brought us "12 Steps in the Bible," followed the following year by "12 Steps of Spirituality," and these two series' were just wonderful. Honestly, anyone who hasn't worked the Steps just because, are missing some really holy fruit. Thanks so much, Adrienne.