Friday, April 29, 2022

2:19 / 4:40 Simon Khorolskiy – Простираю руки мои...

I Stretch Forth my Hands

This is my adaption of Psalm 143 from the Bible when David cried out while being chased by his enemies. I really hope this song will serve those who are suffering today and give them comfort and hope from the Lord. Simon Khorolskiy

"I stretch forth my hands" - English Lyrics O Lord, hear my prayer, O Lord, listen to my supplications, In Your faithfulness. For the enemy has pursued me, My life is smitten to the ground, My spirit is faint And my heart is appalled. For Your name’s sake, O Lord, revive me, preserve my life! I stretch forth my hands unto You, My soul longs for You As a thirsty land, O Lord, Hear me speedily, oh hear me! Teach me, Lord, teach me to do Your will, For You are my God, Let Your Spirit lead me on the level ground. For Your name’s sake, Lord, and for Your righteousness Revive me, preserve my life! I stretch forth my hands unto You, My soul longs for You As a thirsty land, O Lord, Hear me speedily, hear me speedily!