no matter what we think or do, it just keeps rolling around.
Since there are so many disturbing things happening in the world, I like to keep Mondays for starting fresh. Right now, I have 455 articles stored in my One Tab of some importance. Just because I'm quiet, that doesn't mean I'm not doing anything. Research takes time. However, we have plenty of time to get to the disturbing stuff later.
The following video gives us some idea of how to plan your days, and it's all packed into 5:52 minutes. I already do most everything mentioned with the addition of starting my morning with prayer before heading into planning. The one takeaway for me was the idea of checking up on your progress every hour. With a tendency to fall down rabbit holes, it will be a good way for me to keep on track.
I hope you all had a peaceful and holy Christmas and may God bless you all...