I'm guessing that 99% of what you hear about what he's said or done is wrong, taken out of context, or an outright lie.
People keep saying silly things like, "Fauci is going to keep the country closed for 18 months." Huh? How the hell can he do that? Last I checked, he's not in charge.
Let's keep this in perspective. Fauci has no power to do anything therefore anything that comes out of his pie-hole is a big yawn - except possibly referring to medicine.
What do you think would happen if Trump suddenly fired Fauci and Birx? I'm not going to give you my answer. You'll just have to mull it over yourself.
Odumbo endorses Biden
And we care why?
Biden is not going to be the nominee.
Cuomo trashes CNN?
Another, who cares.
What the heck is that you ask? I was doing some studying up on reducing cortisol levels which contribute to high blood sugar. High blood sugar, aka as pre-diabetes also makes you insulin resistant. One of the signs of this is an inability to lose
Cortisol is pumped out by the adrenal glands when you are stressed. Now, I don't consider myself stressed. Thing is - I'm wrong. And I'm not alone. The constant barrage of negative depressing news and possibly being out of work has got to have those cute little adrenals dancing a jig and screaming rap songs. Plus being told every day that you're going to die (that's a lie) doesn't help.
In my research I bumped into ashwagandha a herb aka Indian Ginsing.
This article, 12 Proven Health Benefits of Ashwagandha, is about the easiest and most informative on the benefits of this herb.
Of course, this all led to even more research to find a good supplement. After about a week I settled on this one by Physicians Choice. The serving size is three capsules equaling 1950 mg of organic ashwagandha root powder and extract of black pepper. That is a seriously high dose and I recommend only taking two a day - one in the morning and one at night. Some people might do just fine with only one capsule.
Does it work? I've only been taking it for three days and I can say that I can't remember the last time I felt this good, sleeping like a baby, and have energy to spare.
You may want to give it a try - BUT not before reading all the information and the contraindications.