Sunday, January 19, 2020

Virginia 2nd Amendment Rally Being Herded into a Box Canyon...

this whole thing smells.

Since it's Sunday, please offer up prayers for tomorrow's 2nd amendment rally in Richmond, Virginia being promoted by the Virginia Citizens Defense League on the annual Lobby Day at the capitol.

Governor Blackface Northam has put out an executive order making the area below in blue, site of the rally, as a no-guns allowed zone.

Notice there's only one entrance to the area (marked with the green cross), and from what I understand, the entire area has been surrounded by chain link fence.

And that, my precious poodles, is what is known as a box canyon.  Ask anyone familiar with the early wild west the importance and dangers of a box canyon.

Don't believe me?

Read what Matt Bracken has to say about this whole event, RICHMOND: THE MOTHER OF ALL BUFFALO JUMPS.  It's excellent!

That is all...


Ammoland:   Virginia Governor Northam’s Lobby Day Gun Ban, Don’t Take The Bait

The Last Refuge:   Beware Virginia – A Remarkable Confluence of Events…

Gateway Pundit:  Virginia State Senator Issues Warning Hours before Monday’s 2A Rally: “We Are Being Set Up”

Lone Star Parson:  Virginia Cryptids - The Scallywagster