Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Trumps Reelection Rally Was Just What We All Needed...

at least I did.

Even though my good blogger buddy Kid agreed to talk me down when I was losing it, LL, of the White Wolf Mine, admitted to "going Galt", the brilliant Bunkerville confessed to also suffering, writer of great books, Francis Porretto, called me "dear" (which I dearly love), my favorite pastor, Lone Star Parson, added his usual calm and steady presence, the very funny Woodsterman suggested that just being funny is a bit easier (except I could never match him), and Deserttrek reminded me that "Trump is the best and most effective of my lifetime. He is the only one to try to keep promises and put the USA and the People first."  Well said, Desert!

So today I will toddle off to my history club, packed with brave veterans, deplorables, and dirt people, eat a breakfast that I don't have to cook or clean up after, and I will do it all with a renewed spirit.

Thank you, President Trump!