Saturday, April 27, 2019

Sweaty hand-waving pretend Catholic "Beto" O'Rourke praises Planned Parenthood...

asked about late-term abortions, Beto O’Rourke defended Planned Parenthood, arguing that the organization saves lives at a campaign event on 4/25/19.

Everything he said is a complete, total, and outright lie.

Vote for someone like Beto and you damn your soul.

And if this fool is waltzing his corrupt and evil self up to the communion rail he is profaning the Eucharist in the most grievous manner and committing a serious sacrilege.

More Crazy:

Laura Loomer: Ilhan Omar Scheduled to Speak About ‘Diversity’ at MN Middle School, Parents Not Allowed to Attend

Fox:   Ocasio-Cortez, Omar fire back after NRA official says 'real America' will reject socialist policies

Investor's Business Daily:  Health Premiums Have Climbed $4,865 Since Obama Promised to Cut Them $2,500

And the craziest of all:

Vatican News:  Pope sends aid to migrants stranded at the US border

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