Monday, April 22, 2019

Earth Day...

message from President Trump (yes, commies - he is your president) :
Earth Day is a celebration of the abundant beauty and life-sustaining bounty of our natural environment.  On this day, we reaffirm our responsibility to protect God’s wondrous creation for future generations. 
From the Appalachian Mountains to the golden shores of California, America is blessed with some of the most beautiful scenery on Earth.  As Americans, we all share an immense pride in these God-given treasures and a tremendous appreciation for our abundance of natural resources. 
Environmental protection and economic prosperity go hand in hand.  A strong market economy is essential to protecting our critical natural resources and fostering a legacy of conservation.  My Administration is committed to being effective stewards of our environment while encouraging opportunities for American workers and their families. 
At the same time that our Nation is experiencing historic economic and job growth, our air and water quality ranks among the highest in the world.  Under my Administration, we are improving the quality of life for communities across America by strengthening the security and reliability of our drinking water and accelerating spending on water infrastructure.  Additionally, we have expanded support for conservation of land, water, and wildlife, and we are reforming land management policies to improve the health of our forests and other Federal lands. 
As we observe Earth Day, I hope all Americans will reflect with gratitude on the glorious blessings and awe-inspiring majesty of our planet.
I will celebrate Earth Day by mowing my lawn and other sundry outside duties.  I also ordered a battery powered chain saw and a battery powered hedge clipper today - both of which will necessitate using evil electricity to charge the batteries.

And, once again, a re-post because nothing much has changed:

Earth Day...

the wonderful event wherein soy latte drinking yuppies can gather together to worship Gaia and insult and demean those of us who are really earth friendly.

A re-post from April 21, 2014, because nothing has changed:
Mark your calendars.  Tomorrow Today is the big day when the above mentioned people will hug trees that someone else planted, berate us for using Styrofoam, and claim life on this planet is about to end due to man-made global warming. 
Carefully scrubbed from the Wikipedia Earth Day page, is one of the masterminds behind Earth Day who was an active participant in the first Earth Day celebration in Philadelphia (1970), Ira Einhorn.  
Ira, that peace promoting wunderkind, earned his Master Composting Certificate by killing his girlfriend, Holly Maddux, and carefully composting her in a trunk that sat on his porch for 18 months before discovery. 
His Composting Certificate was subsequently rescinded when the neighbors complained of a foul smell emanating from Ira's abode.  Proper composting should not smell foul.
The fun loving tree-hugger skipped bail and headed off to Europe where he resided in France until he was finally captured in 1997.  After a lengthy extradition process he was finally brought back to the U.S. in 2001 and is presently serving life without parole. 
Please take a moment to say a prayer for Holly on Earth Day.  Thank you. 
Enough about Ira.
Closely aligned with Earth Day is Agenda 21, the UN sponsored program that seeks to end all rural living and pack us all into sparkly bright cities while ending our private property rights.  Can you say EPA?  
I don't know about where you live, but the some of the cities that are most invested in this are some of the nastiest.  On my last trip to St. Paul, Minnesota (a breeding ground and haven for all things greenie-weenie), I was appalled at how dirty it is.  Oh sure, take a drive down the River Road where the runners almost outnumber the cars and everything looks fairly nice.  Drive two blocks away and it's a different story.
Meanwhile, those of us who are rural dwellers are planting trees, tending our gardens, conserving our energy, and doing proper composting - not making Soylent Green. 
We're ranching, raising chickens and pigs, and growing all that green stuff you city dwellers scarf up in huge quantities. 
So next time you encounter one of these latte drinking elitist snobs, ask them where the milk, chocolate, and other goodies came from so they could sit around at a sidewalk table and deride those who actually do the work.
 Ask them why it's okay to avail themselves of a plastic umbrella while telling us to carry our groceries in a cloth bag. 
Ask them how much of their food they actually grew and how many trees they actually planted. 
Ask them why they don't get off their lazy asses and sweep the curb in front of their house instead of waiting for the city to power up a gas hog of a street sweeper to do it for them.
Ask them why they don't hang their clothes out to dry in the summer.  
Ask them why they're using a snow-blower instead of a shovel in the winter and why they don't turn off their air conditioning in the summer.   
And finally, ask them if they've always been this stupid and arrogant or if it was a recent development. 


MOTUS: Nowhere to go, Nothing to Do:  Happy Earth Day