Definition of ennui
: a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction : BOREDOM
Synonyms for ennui
blahs, boredom, doldrums, listlessness, restlessness, tedium, weariness
Did You Know?
The French loanword ennui comes from the very same Late Latin word that gave us annoy — inodiare ("to make loathsome"). We borrowed ennui several centuries after absorbing annoy into the language. Ennui deals more with boredom than irritation - and a somewhat specific sort of boredom at that. It generally refers to the feeling of jadedness that can result from living a life of too much ease. The poet Charles Lloyd described it well in his 1823 Stanzas to Ennui when he referred to that world-weary sensation as a "soul-destroying fiend" which visits with its "pale unrest / The chambers of the human breast / Where too much happiness hath fixed its home."
Hmmmmm - the commie/marxist/libtards are certainly annoying and loathsome.