Posting the following is not an endorsement of the contents. It's simply another way of looking at the situation in Las Vegas.
I opined on October 6th the possibility of Paddock being either a gun runner or laundering money. Maybe both.
Now the "official" story has taken a 180° turn with the revelation that the security guard was shot 6 minutes before Paddock started shooting into the crowd of concert goers. It took them over a week to figure that out?
Allow me to repeat: I have no public opinion on the following and leave it to the readers to make up their own mind.
ISIS Gunmen In Vegas Executed US Defense Spy Paddock
By Yoichi Shimatsu
Official cover-ups of crimes that implicate the national-security establishment, as the Vegas massacre surely has done, must be handled with patience learned from prior investigative experience in order to spot disinformation and assemble credible evidence into a reconstruction of the totality of the crime, including the sequence of events, role of other participants, relationship to the government, background and motive.
In pathetic contrast, the compliant news media portrays alleged gunman Stephen Paddock as a lone gunman and man of mystery without making an serious effort at uncovering his connections to the intelligence services, which happens to be the key to comprehending the reasons behind this puzzling mass murder. Then there is the planted single gunman claim like the FBI tip to Infowars that suspect Paddock was killed in the Bureau's assault and that antifa (anti-fascist, anti-racist anarchism) literature was found in the 32nd floor room at the Mandalay. (Las Vegas Sheriff Joseph Lombardo countered that falsehood from the FBI by stating forthrightly that more than one shooter was involved.) Here it will be shown that Paddock was anything but a radical anarchist and instead worked as a contract agent for the Defense Department and CIA.
The FBI-Las Vegas police feud was discussed at the 4chan thread, which was soon closed down for new comments:
According to a source in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department:: “The LVMPD knows the motive behind the attack, but the FBI will not allow us to release the motive because it implicates the FBI in illegal arms deals and supplying arms to ISIS terrorists within U.S. borders. Stephen Paddock was an undercover FBI agent who participated in multiple illegal arms deals in the Las Vegas area in a gun-running entrapment scheme similar to Fast and Furious. Paddock thought he was engaging in another routine arms transfer, but ISIS had learned about the entrapment scheme and Paddock’s true identity. They killed him and carried out the massacre, and then fled the scene.
“Everything is being kept under extreme wraps because 1) armed ISIS terrorists are still at large and 2) this is very embarrassing to the FBI and they don’t want their scheme to become public knowledge. . . . People within LVMP are disgusted and are pushing for this information to be released to the public.”
Arguably more grotesque are the online snipers who falsely insist that the Vegas massacre never happened but was a stage-play faked by crisis actors. (There are crisis actors, but they are hired by public relations firms after a calamity to divert public attention from the actual trauma victims.) READ the REST and ponder
American Thinker: Why We Cannot Trust the FBI
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