Thursday, January 26, 2017

Donald Trump and Mike Pence speeches at GOP retreat Jan. 26th...

something to watch during cocktail hour.

And............................Mike Pence will be the headline speaker at the March for Life tomorrow.  Kellanne Conway will be speaking tomorrow, too.

And............................C-Span will be covering the march.   

If you've never seen a March for Life, be aware that it will  be a true palette cleanser after the vagina wearing "ladies who march"™

Here's what you won't see at the March for Life:
  • foul language
  • nasty signs
  • angry women
  • speakers telling people to get f*ucked
  • speakers talking about their period blood (ewwwwwww) 
  • screaming
  • hysterics
  • rioting
  • trash left behind