depends on who you ask and what form the messaging takes.
While puttering around on the the interwebz a few weeks ago, I bumped into some YouTube vids on subliminal messaging.
Ummmm - no. Don't think I'll imbibe. What if the messages are encouraging me to rob a bank or take up pole dancing? I thought about that for awhile and realized both things were unlikely to happen based on a subliminal message. Just as in hypnosis, a person cannot be persuaded to do that which is contrary to who they are or what they believe.
I'm always searching for ways to get motivated, be more organized, and just be a better person. One way I've found is to read books about inspiring women, both in biography and novels (non of whom don fuzzy pink hats and spew obscenities.)
So I did my due diligence and discovered absolutely nothing except everyone disagrees as to the effectiveness of audio subliminal messaging.
The following video is by Thomas Hall and has been "viewed" close to 250K times. Mr. Hall has a number of other videos available, as do many other people.
So why did I pick this one to try?
Reason number one is that he's not trying to sell anything. Why someone would choose to make these videos and post them free of charge is puzzling, but his motives might be good (I'm always the skeptic)
Number two was the large number of people who had watched the vid.
Number three is his actually taking the time to answer questions and comments on YouTube. In a world where few, if any, people even respond to comments on their blogs, that was bigly for me.
Okay, the skeptical mind jumped in here and said, "What if there's nothing actually on this video except woo woo music? If I can't consciously hear the messages, how the heck do I know they're present in the background? "
Good question.
I don't.
So I sayeth to self, "Quit overthinking this and just play the dang thing and see what happens."
So I did.
Next thing I know I have an overwhelming desire to get moving - do stuff.
Creepy, I know.
Now almost every morning I start this up, plop it in my tabs, and continue on with my work while it plays in the background.
Placebo effect?
I listed below the affirmations that are supposed to be in the video. I still don't know if they're there, and I don't care. It seems to work.
This recording contains powerful subliminal messages. Please only listen to this subliminal recording in a safe environment.
Here is a list of all the affirmations/messages in this recording.
You are full of motivation
I am full of motivation
You can get things done
I can get things done
You are full of energy
I am full of energy
Be aware of how powerful your mind is
You can achieve anything you set your mind to
I can achieve anything I set my mind to
You are a powerful person
I am a powerful person
You are a strong person
I am a strong person
You are able to completely focus
I am able to completely focus
You are a very intelligent person that can achieve anything
I am a very intelligent person that can achieve anything
You can stay motivated for long periods of time
I can stay motivated for long periods of time
You are a highly motivated person
I am a highly motivated person
You are able to focus easily
I am able to focus easily
You are an organised person (English spelling)
I am an organised person
Your motivation grows stronger everyday
My motivation grows stronger everyday
You can get things done
I can get things done
You can get things done on time
I can get things done on time
Getting things done makes you feel good
Getting things done makes me feel good
You enjoy being organised
I enjoy being organised
You enjoy working hard and being organised
I enjoy working hard and being organised
You are motivated towards being good at everything
I am motivated towards being good at everything
You are a strong minded person
I am a strong minded person
You can do anything
I can do anything
You enjoy working on a number of tasks
I enjoy working on a number of tasks
You will succeed in everything you do
I will succeed in everything I do
(((((All of the above are repeated throughout the recording)))))
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