Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Rise of the Deplorables...

we have met the enemy, and it is not us.

Do not let the MSM or the GOPe demoralize or defeat you.  We are the sum of our parts.  We're bigger and more deadly than anything that has happened in this country since the Revolution.

Do you really believe that the never ending barrage of articles about something Trump said 11 years ago is not orchestrated and rammed down everyone's throat by elitists who fear for their future of raping the culture of this country, and by extension, every one of you?

Does anyone believe that the likes of the virtue signalling Paul Ryan's of the world are not part of this side show of distraction?

Hillary Clinton is a vicious criminal and a killer.  But under a Clinton 2.0 presidency the status quo remains for the elitists.

I'm not giving up without a fight.  You shouldn't either.

The rise of the deplorables
by Jon Rappoport
October 11, 2016

Something is happening in America.

Against all odds, people are seeing a coming dawn. In the darkness, new hope. And this hope is not being manufactured. This is not Obama hope. This is not sly wickedness. This is not wretchedness in disguise. This is not hate and revenge wearing a mask of share and care.

This is what happens, rarely, when millions of decent people have reached the end of their rope. When their common sense about what is being done to destroy their country and their lives will not be denied. Will not be denied.

The Clinton bandwagon of evil is coming apart. She, the one Clinton, is sputtering vapid generalities for all to see, as the programmed machine in her head is running down. The batteries are failing. The archetype of the android with a forever smile is a ghastly mechanical sight.

He, the other Clinton, is taking bitter, bitter medicine. There he was, on television screens across the world, rammed into his seat, frozen in a cold stare at his enemies, who are no longer so afraid of him they huddle in anonymity. The remaining shreds of his self-constructed dignity are being torn away from him in a cyclone of accusation.

They, the minions of the press, are raging in their own nightmare. Dedicated to the Clinton apparatus, and the crimes for which it stands, these mob foot soldiers are running a high fever. Whoever this outrageous businessman leading the charge is, they must destroy him. And time is running out. They have sold their souls, and the balloon payment is coming due.

Herds of so-called progressive Americans, who would take psychopathic murderers into their homes if it would prove their virtue, who are terrified of discovering their own bankrupt pretensions—“oh I am good, I swear on my life I am good”—are trembling. What is happening to their cartoon world?

 The bubbles are exploding.

Evil money from lizard scum is being poured into an effort to start a civil war in America. To rip America apart. But suddenly, there is the prospect of the center holding. Men and women of good will are finding their footing and their voices. This election is just one milestone along a road that is being shaped day by day.

America is not a lacerated piece in a board game of global control. America is still its own. Is still a living dream.

The ghouls who recoil in horror at glimpsing this dream are moving to the edge of the pit, where they seek power from the abyss. But the abyss is remorseless and has no pity. It swallows whatever and whoever comes to it.

Once, America’s grand poet, Walt Whitman, sang of the open road, and the freedom that blossomed along its endless course.

These songs never die.

There is no final curtain.

Against all odds, the deplorables are rising.

*                               *                                          *
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at NoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.


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